Salam aidiladha buat sume member2 & seluruh umat Islam didunia :)
tulus ikhlas dr saya..nurul fathiyah zakaria
seperti kebiasaannya,saya & family akan sambut aidiladha di Bangi
tak blk ke kg coz ayah saya bz dgn aktiviti korban :)
so,the routine on morning was...perfomed solat aidiladha
then,blk umah menikmati juadah hari raya
for this year,my mak making 3 dishes
nasi impit,kuah kacang & rendang ayam..sodap
lemang..kami beli je..nak buat tak reti..ngehehe
then,ayah saya dah prepare utk sesi penyembelihan lembu..
this year,persatuan penduduk in my neighbourhood mengorbankan 2ekor lembu & 1ekor kambing
selalunya saya akan turut serta..tlg tengok jelah..ngehehe
lps sumenye selesai,korban,melatah daging..then,gotong royong memasak
menu utk jamuan hari raya aidiladha kali ni ialah sup gear box,gulai kambing,ulam+sambal belacan & nasi putih..sedap..sbb manis daging fresh yg sgt lembut..tak selalu dpt makan best cm ni
so,sempena memuliakan aidiladha nih..kte ptt menyumbang kpd org2 yg kurang berkemampuan
menyelami & menghayati pengorbanan para anbia'....
mudah-mudahan dgn sekelumit ilme yg kte perolehi akan megajar kita erti kehidupan yg sebenar...insyallah :)
Dec 20, 2007
Dec 12, 2007
another great sunday
Last weekend,nothing much to do..just hanging around @ home
relaxing body & soul :)
on sunday,I'm got a date with en.syahrul
so,as usual I will bring my bodyguard...of course my sisters..ngehehe
santapan tengahari ;)
my planning on that day is surveying the ring....erm,I'm not the kind of girl who love to wear,I don't even have a ring before..and I did'nt know my ring size either...poor me =D
after surveying from one to another gold & jewelry shop,luckly I found the one which I like the most
just simple but yet elegant & perfect ring for my little finger..cewah :)
ok,the one that my eyes can't take off was diamond classic shape
but,the problem is....erm,of course the price of that ring
fening la jugak..coz he is the one who gonna pay for that right
end up of the day,we did'nt buy the ring
we decide to survey some other shop to make sure we satisfied
(actually,to satisfied myself la kan..hehehe)
guys,I need ur opinion & suggestion la
coz I don't really know much about diamond ring
shop assistant tu ckp,18karat gold is use for diamond ring
emas 916 tuh terlalu lembut utk pegang diamond
another one problem,yg mana lg cantik...diamond ring with white gold/yellow gold?
million thanks guys :)
relaxing body & soul :)
on sunday,I'm got a date with en.syahrul
so,as usual I will bring my bodyguard...of course my sisters..ngehehe
my planning on that day is surveying the ring....erm,I'm not the kind of girl who love to wear,I don't even have a ring before..and I did'nt know my ring size either...poor me =D
after surveying from one to another gold & jewelry shop,luckly I found the one which I like the most
just simple but yet elegant & perfect ring for my little finger..cewah :)
ok,the one that my eyes can't take off was diamond classic shape
but,the problem is....erm,of course the price of that ring
fening la jugak..coz he is the one who gonna pay for that right
end up of the day,we did'nt buy the ring
we decide to survey some other shop to make sure we satisfied
(actually,to satisfied myself la kan..hehehe)
guys,I need ur opinion & suggestion la
coz I don't really know much about diamond ring
shop assistant tu ckp,18karat gold is use for diamond ring
emas 916 tuh terlalu lembut utk pegang diamond
another one problem,yg mana lg cantik...diamond ring with white gold/yellow gold?
million thanks guys :)
Dec 10, 2007
J.Co Donuts fever
Lately hangat diperkatakan around KL about J.Co donuts...
oleh kerana situ sana sini tgh heboh dok gebang ttg kesedapan donuts nih
sehingga blh buat org addicted to it,like it & fall in love with it :)
so,saya pon tak ketinggalan try dis new & fabolous attempting donuts
Saya & adik2 mmg 'hantu donuts'
(especially sofa,adik saya yg tembam mcm donuts tuh..ngehehe)
our fav is Dunkin fav one & only....CHOC PUDDING
I really love the taste of melt choc inside the donut...marvelous
Speaking about J.CO Donuts,I was little bit shock when I got there
(Sunway Pyramid,new concorde)
fuhhh..everyone looks so excited to buy their donuts &
really patience waiting in a looooooong que
(mula2 tu saya pon agak tak sbr coz I have to wait..
but,I'm really curious to taste the donuts!!!)
I bought half dozen of donuts...(I'm so regret coz I did'nt bought 2 dozen!!!! hehehe)
and....what can I say about the's sooooo delicious & delectable
so soft bcoz it is freshly baked..just come out from oven!!! IT'S HOT!!!
my favorite donuts will be : Heaven Berry,Tira miss u,
and the one with white choc+almond on top of it..forgot the name of it-la..ngehehe :p
and one more things,I must praise the workers,bakers & cashier
they were all commited & expert doing their works..
so that the customer don't have to wait so long to buy donuts..
overall,I'm really satisfied with J.Co Donuts
so guys,u must try this out!!! check it out :)
oleh kerana situ sana sini tgh heboh dok gebang ttg kesedapan donuts nih
sehingga blh buat org addicted to it,like it & fall in love with it :)
so,saya pon tak ketinggalan try dis new & fabolous attempting donuts
Saya & adik2 mmg 'hantu donuts'
(especially sofa,adik saya yg tembam mcm donuts tuh..ngehehe)
our fav is Dunkin fav one & only....CHOC PUDDING
I really love the taste of melt choc inside the donut...marvelous
Speaking about J.CO Donuts,I was little bit shock when I got there
(Sunway Pyramid,new concorde)
fuhhh..everyone looks so excited to buy their donuts &
really patience waiting in a looooooong que
(mula2 tu saya pon agak tak sbr coz I have to wait..
but,I'm really curious to taste the donuts!!!)
I bought half dozen of donuts...(I'm so regret coz I did'nt bought 2 dozen!!!! hehehe)
and....what can I say about the's sooooo delicious & delectable
so soft bcoz it is freshly baked..just come out from oven!!! IT'S HOT!!!
my favorite donuts will be : Heaven Berry,Tira miss u,
and the one with white choc+almond on top of it..forgot the name of it-la..ngehehe :p
and one more things,I must praise the workers,bakers & cashier
they were all commited & expert doing their works..
so that the customer don't have to wait so long to buy donuts..
overall,I'm really satisfied with J.Co Donuts
so guys,u must try this out!!! check it out :)
Dec 1, 2007
School Holiday =D
Fuh,lately saya amat malas meng'hapdet' dgn mcm2
adik-adik saya pon sumenye dah blk..ada kat umah
ada yg be je habis exam SPM,ada yg cuti sem break b4 continue next sem
time2 cm ni,terasa meriah rumah saya..riuh rendah..full house..ngehehe
Last 2 week,saya & family blk kg..kenduri kahwin mak long ida(sepupu mak saya) kat taiping,perak
mmg seronok dpt berkumpul dgn sedara,tersgtla penat =D
Last week,nadiah & me attended our long lost fren wedding..(our classmate from form1-3)
dah lama tak keep in touch wif her..about 9years since both of us left smk tmn melati
then,suddenly my bestfren,nadiah met her somewhere @ lrt station.
and she gave us her wedding invitation card...
btw,congratulation to sri fadjarwati & hubby
semoga berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu
This week,I'm lil bit busy wif my youngest sis..alhamdullilah,next year she will be prefect
me & the rest (siblings) were wondering how &why her teachers choose her to be a prefect
and..1 thing that across our mind were....she is talkative..ngehehe
we think that's the main reason..she talks a lot & all the time..fuhhhh
so,I bring her & mak to buy her new uniform & all the school things such as books etc
erm,dah lama saya tinggalkan alam persekolahan...
dulu,time mcm ni saya akan sibok edit buku2 sekolah.
yg mn still blh guna,saya akan recycle...adik2 guna blk buku teks yg still in good condition
baju,kasut & etc yg mn blh guna sumenye akan kami pakai lagi...jimat & elak pembaziran
biasa la..adat ler kalo adik beradik ramai mcm saya ni ;) itu yg unik
ok,till then..saya story mory next time ya...feel so sleepy right now
esok saya ada important date..ngehehe
adik-adik saya pon sumenye dah blk..ada kat umah
ada yg be je habis exam SPM,ada yg cuti sem break b4 continue next sem
time2 cm ni,terasa meriah rumah saya..riuh rendah..full house..ngehehe
Last 2 week,saya & family blk kg..kenduri kahwin mak long ida(sepupu mak saya) kat taiping,perak
mmg seronok dpt berkumpul dgn sedara,tersgtla penat =D
Last week,nadiah & me attended our long lost fren wedding..(our classmate from form1-3)
dah lama tak keep in touch wif her..about 9years since both of us left smk tmn melati
then,suddenly my bestfren,nadiah met her somewhere @ lrt station.
and she gave us her wedding invitation card...
btw,congratulation to sri fadjarwati & hubby
semoga berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu
This week,I'm lil bit busy wif my youngest sis..alhamdullilah,next year she will be prefect
me & the rest (siblings) were wondering how &why her teachers choose her to be a prefect
and..1 thing that across our mind were....she is talkative..ngehehe
we think that's the main reason..she talks a lot & all the time..fuhhhh
so,I bring her & mak to buy her new uniform & all the school things such as books etc
erm,dah lama saya tinggalkan alam persekolahan...
dulu,time mcm ni saya akan sibok edit buku2 sekolah.
yg mn still blh guna,saya akan recycle...adik2 guna blk buku teks yg still in good condition
baju,kasut & etc yg mn blh guna sumenye akan kami pakai lagi...jimat & elak pembaziran
biasa la..adat ler kalo adik beradik ramai mcm saya ni ;) itu yg unik
ok,till then..saya story mory next time ya...feel so sleepy right now
esok saya ada important date..ngehehe
Nov 18, 2007
Hantaran Kahwin????
Fuh,tittle mcm gempak jer... :p
I've got this fun & interesting quiz or we can call it sort of survey-lah from my frens
it's all about hantaran...or lebih tpt kuiz brapekah hantaran perkahwinan anda?hehe
so,I'd did it..and my hantaran will be 9k =D
hahaha..saya kira jumlah ni tak la byk sgt memandangkan harga psrn hntrn skg sudah mencecah 10k
(artis-artis msia,anak2 org kenamaan skg,saya kira sudah melebihi dr jumlah itew!!!)
Bg pihak sang teruna,bila sebut bab hantaran ni,sure berpeluh2 sbb memikirkan jumlah yg akan ditetapkan oleh pihak si dara
(kalo sang teruna coming from rich background family,sure there is no problem coz family blh support)
tp,bg yg duit gaji cukup utk keperluan hidup,pastinya ini suatu penyiksaan..argh!!!
and remember my bf story about his fren yg mkn maggi sj sbb nak kmpl duit kawen..poor him ;(
sampai dah nak dkt botak kwn tuh..but,utk si dara yg terchenta,apa sj sanggup diredah
gunung berapi,lautan samudera..huh,dahsyat!!!
whatever it is,kte berbalik kpd Al-Quran & sunnah...
follow what Allah & rasul had guide us...
sebaik2 wanita adalah yg murah maharnya..hantaran cuma adat
so,it is depends pd bakal psgn kte utk tentukan how much dia mampu utk memberi dgn seikhlas hati hadiah hntrn itu sbg tanda perkahwinan
aiman tak kesah =D saya pon tak kesah..ngehehe
yg penting tolak ansur,saling memahami ant satu sama lain
buat renungan semua :
firman Allah SWT, "Di antara tanda2 kebesaran Allah itu ia ciptakan bg kamu psgn dr kalangan kamu sendiri agar kamu hidup dlm keadaan tenang,cinta mencintai,kasih mengasihi & saling menyayangi sesama kamu.Sesungguhnya yg demikian itu merupakan tanda2 (kebesaran Allah) bg kamu yg mahu berfikir" surah ar-rum,ayat 21
p/s : try this quiz ya
I've got this fun & interesting quiz or we can call it sort of survey-lah from my frens
it's all about hantaran...or lebih tpt kuiz brapekah hantaran perkahwinan anda?hehe
so,I'd did it..and my hantaran will be 9k =D
hahaha..saya kira jumlah ni tak la byk sgt memandangkan harga psrn hntrn skg sudah mencecah 10k
(artis-artis msia,anak2 org kenamaan skg,saya kira sudah melebihi dr jumlah itew!!!)
Bg pihak sang teruna,bila sebut bab hantaran ni,sure berpeluh2 sbb memikirkan jumlah yg akan ditetapkan oleh pihak si dara
(kalo sang teruna coming from rich background family,sure there is no problem coz family blh support)
tp,bg yg duit gaji cukup utk keperluan hidup,pastinya ini suatu penyiksaan..argh!!!
and remember my bf story about his fren yg mkn maggi sj sbb nak kmpl duit kawen..poor him ;(
sampai dah nak dkt botak kwn tuh..but,utk si dara yg terchenta,apa sj sanggup diredah
gunung berapi,lautan samudera..huh,dahsyat!!!
whatever it is,kte berbalik kpd Al-Quran & sunnah...
follow what Allah & rasul had guide us...
sebaik2 wanita adalah yg murah maharnya..hantaran cuma adat
so,it is depends pd bakal psgn kte utk tentukan how much dia mampu utk memberi dgn seikhlas hati hadiah hntrn itu sbg tanda perkahwinan
aiman tak kesah =D saya pon tak kesah..ngehehe
yg penting tolak ansur,saling memahami ant satu sama lain
buat renungan semua :
firman Allah SWT, "Di antara tanda2 kebesaran Allah itu ia ciptakan bg kamu psgn dr kalangan kamu sendiri agar kamu hidup dlm keadaan tenang,cinta mencintai,kasih mengasihi & saling menyayangi sesama kamu.Sesungguhnya yg demikian itu merupakan tanda2 (kebesaran Allah) bg kamu yg mahu berfikir" surah ar-rum,ayat 21
p/s : try this quiz ya
Nov 12, 2007
Farhana & adik2nya...(mak kat blkg tgh psn mcm2 tu)
Hari ni..adik saya,farhana menghadapi SPM (tepat kul8 pagi td..1st paper,BM)
demam exam dah bermula!!!
sabtu lepas,kami seisi keluarga melawat adik saya tu..
sbg moral support...supaya adik saya lebih bersemangat utk berjuang..hehehe =D
Dgr amanat dr mak & ayah
pantun 4 kerat....
teringat plak ms saya mengahadapi SPM 7 thn lps..(cptnye ms berlalu!! mcm tak caye je dah 7 thn tinggalkan alam persekolahan :p)
waaaa..kalo blh saya repeat blk SPM..sbb result saya yg kurang memberangsangkan
yelah..akibat byk main & kurang study...ngehehe
saya tak mau lg tido dlm kelas time cikgu mengajar ( attitude saya plg buruk sekali!!!...sume cikgu tau saya suke tido dlm kelas even saya duduk dpn sekali!!! teruk sungguh)
saya nak concentrate supaya saya dpt 10A1...hehe =D
tp,saya kene terima kenyataan bahawa SPM tu hanya sekali seumur hidup
so,peluang saya dah lps...saya ttp bangga & bersyukur (walaupon sedikit kechewa..huhuhu) dgn result SPM saya yg tak seberapa tu...(padan la dgn usaha yg saya dah kerah ms tu...)
utk adik saya,farhana yg sdg berjuang di medan perang..(jihad dlm mencari ilmu)
kak long doakan semoga kakak dpt buat yg terbaik utk exam,yakin & tenang dlm menjawab soalan
semoga Allah SWT memberi petunjuk & mempermudahkan urusan kakak
insyallah,kami sume doakan mudah-mudahan kakak beroleh kejayaan...amin
On da way blk ke KL kami sempat singgah Umbai...
antara tempat yg famous gak kalo nak makan fresh seafood
kami singgah kat perkampungan nelayan...restoran terapung umbai (btl2 terapung ni ;p)
3 dara pingitan =D
pemandangan cantik..menghadap selat melaka..
especially bila senja..tgk matahari terbenam
sedap hingga menjilat jari :p
wah,kami makan besaq la mlm tu..ikan siakap stim,kepah & kupang msk serai,
sotong goreng tepung,tom yam campur...sedap!!! =D
ada sejenis seafood yg dipgl sepahat/pepahat...unik..
tp,tak oder,tak tau rsnya mcm mn
overall,makanan sedap,tmpt cantik,bersih & menarik...
so,pd sape2 yg sgh umbai,blhla try makan kat situ
harga pun berpatutan...sambil jln2 cr mkn
Nov 9, 2007
Maira 8th Birthday
Birthday Girl =D
Today is my youngest sis bday..maira
She turns 8 today..yup,4 of 9 persons in family born in november
so,when nov come it is just like a month of bday party celebration..ngehehe
My mums' bday on 25th while my bro,sopey on close right ;p
We didn't plan anything for her..make it suprise..lalala
Sofa bought her a lovely red hair band
I just gave her a card
Kak chik (sabirah) make a nice & delicious moist chocolate cake for her
Homemade cake by kak chik
She was very excited this morning...coz she wanna bring that cake to school..
celebrate her bday wif her classmate & teachers...
And...late in the evening,when I come back from office,I just bought Secret Recipe Classic Cheese cake for maira..
then,when I just arrived at home..I said to her to take a 'things' in my car...
She was so suprise & shout..
wahhhh...kek bday maira la !
(riuh sekampung...) ngehehe
her bday cake & presents
Batik Indonesia =D
Oh,I've got a lovely dovey present from ayah tooo
Ayah bought me Batik Indonesia..(my dad just came back from pulau Bintan,Indonesia which is located @ kepulauan Riau)
So,I'm planning to make a kebaya...fewittt :)
Nov 8, 2007
On my Birthday
On last monday,was my 24th birthday..waaa..saya sudah tua lg setahun ;p
Lumrah kehidupan..setiap yg bernyawa pasti melalui peringkat kehidupan yg tlh ditentukan olehNYA..
So,I'm suppose to be mature right...think more wisely...take any words more preciously
Especially advice from family & friends...hehe..I've got to take this one seriously !!
Extra careful in any act to be done..
Think before u done fathiyah..
And...semestinya saya mengharapkan agar tahun2 berikutnya saya akan mempertingkatkan amalan,
berusaha menjadi hambaNYA yg lbh beriman..insyallah
Thanks to my family & frens...for all the sweets wishes on my birthday
I'm so touch with their wishes..especially wish from my little sis,maira..
earthquake motion....hahaha :PI'm just celebrate my birthday with my bf..
We met @ KLCC that nite :)
peri-fy ur life..hehe..he decided to have dinner @ Madam Kwan's..but unfortunately the restaurant was full that time..
So,then we just had our dinner @ Nandos...
but,the most touchable moment for me was...when he said....
he : mcm mn agaknya kte celebrate bday awak 20thn lg?
me : hahaha (gelak jahat saya) semestinya saya dah tua,kte celebrate bday dgn anak2 yg berderet2...
he : insyallah...saya hrp mcm ni selalu..and conversation the goes on...
Then,I've got my present...ops.. a bag full of presents...hehe
I've got the "things" that I really wanted!!! dah lama mengidam.. :P
A man always seek for happiness..but the only way to reach happiness is when we give our love to others people more than their love to us... :)
I'm happy..I'm feeling glad..I've got sunshine in a bag ;p
Thanks Allah....
Lumrah kehidupan..setiap yg bernyawa pasti melalui peringkat kehidupan yg tlh ditentukan olehNYA..
So,I'm suppose to be mature right...think more wisely...take any words more preciously
Especially advice from family & friends...hehe..I've got to take this one seriously !!
Extra careful in any act to be done..
Think before u done fathiyah..
And...semestinya saya mengharapkan agar tahun2 berikutnya saya akan mempertingkatkan amalan,
berusaha menjadi hambaNYA yg lbh beriman..insyallah
Thanks to my family & frens...for all the sweets wishes on my birthday
I'm so touch with their wishes..especially wish from my little sis,maira..
earthquake motion....hahaha :PI'm just celebrate my birthday with my bf..
nothing special or extravaganva.just the 2 of us..
We met @ KLCC that nite :)
So,then we just had our dinner @ Nandos...
but,the most touchable moment for me was...when he said....
he : mcm mn agaknya kte celebrate bday awak 20thn lg?
me : hahaha (gelak jahat saya) semestinya saya dah tua,kte celebrate bday dgn anak2 yg berderet2...
he : insyallah...saya hrp mcm ni selalu..and conversation the goes on...
Then,I've got my present...ops.. a bag full of presents...hehe
I've got the "things" that I really wanted!!! dah lama mengidam.. :P
A man always seek for happiness..but the only way to reach happiness is when we give our love to others people more than their love to us... :)
I'm happy..I'm feeling glad..I've got sunshine in a bag ;p
Thanks Allah....
Oct 28, 2007
Suratan Atau Kebetulan
Sesuatu yg tak disangka
Sering kali mendatangi kita
Itukah suratan dlm kehidupan
Atau sekadar satu kebetulan
Kita asyik membicarakan
Persoalan hidup & pilihan
Serta kejujuran semakin berkurang
Masih tiada bertemu jwpn
Walau kita dihadapkan
Dgn berbagai pilihan
Mengapa sering trjadi
Pilihan tak menepati
Hingga amat menakutkan
Menghadapi masa depan
Seolah telah terhapus
Sebuah kehidupan yg kudus
Pertemuan sekali ini
Bagi diriku amat bererti
Tetapi ku bimbang utk menyatakan
Bimbangkan berulang kesilapan
Em,I luv to hear this song..lagu lama byk menyimpan sentimental value
right now it seems like this song related with my life
it doesn't related to my relationship life others part of
Yesterday I got an offer to work with company Z..
and of course la I was really happy...
yelah,setelah sekian lama mencari keje ditmpt yg lbh baik dr skg,
bertungkus lumus menghntr resume sbyk yg mungkin,
dgn bersusah payah menghadirkan diri utk sesi interview...
akhirnya...sume pnt lelah & pengorbanan saya selama ni...
membuahkan hasil..alhamdullilah...
Tetapi,setelah sumenye kelihatan hampir pasti...
saya tibe2 rs tak sdp hati...ada yg tak kene..
jauh disudut sanubari saya merasakan tidak tenteram
something..somewhere is not right!
Saya mula mencari jwpn utk semua persoalan yg tak terungkai ini
Dan...akhirnya saya menemui petunjuk & jwpn
'Apabila kita mengejar kemewahan dunia,kita akan kerugian di akhirat kelak..Jika kita mengejar saham akhirat,insyallah Allah SWT akan memberikan kedua-duanya (dunia & akhirat) kpd hambaNya'
Sering kali mendatangi kita
Itukah suratan dlm kehidupan
Atau sekadar satu kebetulan
Kita asyik membicarakan
Persoalan hidup & pilihan
Serta kejujuran semakin berkurang
Masih tiada bertemu jwpn
Walau kita dihadapkan
Dgn berbagai pilihan
Mengapa sering trjadi
Pilihan tak menepati
Hingga amat menakutkan
Menghadapi masa depan
Seolah telah terhapus
Sebuah kehidupan yg kudus
Pertemuan sekali ini
Bagi diriku amat bererti
Tetapi ku bimbang utk menyatakan
Bimbangkan berulang kesilapan
Em,I luv to hear this song..lagu lama byk menyimpan sentimental value
right now it seems like this song related with my life
it doesn't related to my relationship life others part of
Yesterday I got an offer to work with company Z..
and of course la I was really happy...
yelah,setelah sekian lama mencari keje ditmpt yg lbh baik dr skg,
bertungkus lumus menghntr resume sbyk yg mungkin,
dgn bersusah payah menghadirkan diri utk sesi interview...
akhirnya...sume pnt lelah & pengorbanan saya selama ni...
membuahkan hasil..alhamdullilah...
Tetapi,setelah sumenye kelihatan hampir pasti...
saya tibe2 rs tak sdp hati...ada yg tak kene..
jauh disudut sanubari saya merasakan tidak tenteram
something..somewhere is not right!
Saya mula mencari jwpn utk semua persoalan yg tak terungkai ini
Dan...akhirnya saya menemui petunjuk & jwpn
'Apabila kita mengejar kemewahan dunia,kita akan kerugian di akhirat kelak..Jika kita mengejar saham akhirat,insyallah Allah SWT akan memberikan kedua-duanya (dunia & akhirat) kpd hambaNya'
Oct 17, 2007
Hari ni,saya & family menerima tetamu pertama yg bertandang ke rumah kami
sempena lebaran thn ni
so,as usual,mak & me always planning & listing all the dishes & menu for our guest
before that,smlm jenuh gak kami membersihkan rumah,mengemas ape yg ptt
(rumah saya tersgtla berselerak..mcm tongkang pecah..ngehehe ;p)
ckp psl menu ni..biasanye saya & mak planning nak msk makanan beratla..
mcm nasi,mee @ bihun & ape2 yg sewaktu dgnnya ;)
For today,we made nasi mums chicken rice..hehe
(mcm prnh ku dgr,tp di mn ya???)
our 'guest' will be coming around 2pm..
so,me & mak started preparing the nasi ayam @ 10.30am
dlm kul 2 tu,br sumenye complete..
ms tu our 'guest' dah ada kat dpn pagar rumah ler..huhuhu
nasib baik on time..kalo tak kelaparan la en.S ;p
(teringat keenakan nasi ayam mak azie yg sungguh menyelerakan itu..hehe)
(tiap2 kali raya,mst mak azie msk juadah fav 10 bdk hitam!)
Actually,our 'guest' is my friend..erm,special friend..erm,special boyfriend..
(kome paham jelah ye ;p)
this is 1st time ever I'm introduce 'someone' to my parents :)
yeah,I think it's the right time to 'concrete' our relationship..hehe
alhamdullilah,everythings goes smoothly..peacefully :)
I just let my parents borak2 with him..interview ape yg ptt..ngehehe
around 4pm,our 'guest' pon meminta izin utk beransur pulang..(dah pnt berborak yee..)
after that...sesi post mortem..haaa??? yg ni part plg berdebar2..
yelah,dlm kepala otak aku ni dok asyik fikir ayah & mak blh terima si dia ke??
ayah & mak berkenan tak dgn pilihan kak long ni??
adakah si dia cukup syarat nak jd menantu ayah & mak??
hehehe..mcm2 lg yg aku dok fikir..and the results..jeng jeng jeng
alhamdullilah,ayah & mak dgn hati terbuka menerima si dia as menantu to be..
dgn ini,saya berasa lega & gumbira..thanks ayah & mak..luv both of u so much :)
insyallah,semoga pertemuan hr ini membawa seribu rahmat & keberkatan dr Allah SWT..
p/s: I can't upload any raya photos at this moment due to blogspot problem
sorry guys..
sempena lebaran thn ni
so,as usual,mak & me always planning & listing all the dishes & menu for our guest
before that,smlm jenuh gak kami membersihkan rumah,mengemas ape yg ptt
(rumah saya tersgtla berselerak..mcm tongkang pecah..ngehehe ;p)
ckp psl menu ni..biasanye saya & mak planning nak msk makanan beratla..
mcm nasi,mee @ bihun & ape2 yg sewaktu dgnnya ;)
For today,we made nasi mums chicken rice..hehe
(mcm prnh ku dgr,tp di mn ya???)
our 'guest' will be coming around 2pm..
so,me & mak started preparing the nasi ayam @ 10.30am
dlm kul 2 tu,br sumenye complete..
ms tu our 'guest' dah ada kat dpn pagar rumah ler..huhuhu
nasib baik on time..kalo tak kelaparan la en.S ;p
(teringat keenakan nasi ayam mak azie yg sungguh menyelerakan itu..hehe)
(tiap2 kali raya,mst mak azie msk juadah fav 10 bdk hitam!)
Actually,our 'guest' is my friend..erm,special friend..erm,special boyfriend..
(kome paham jelah ye ;p)
this is 1st time ever I'm introduce 'someone' to my parents :)
yeah,I think it's the right time to 'concrete' our relationship..hehe
alhamdullilah,everythings goes smoothly..peacefully :)
I just let my parents borak2 with him..interview ape yg ptt..ngehehe
around 4pm,our 'guest' pon meminta izin utk beransur pulang..(dah pnt berborak yee..)
after that...sesi post mortem..haaa??? yg ni part plg berdebar2..
yelah,dlm kepala otak aku ni dok asyik fikir ayah & mak blh terima si dia ke??
ayah & mak berkenan tak dgn pilihan kak long ni??
adakah si dia cukup syarat nak jd menantu ayah & mak??
hehehe..mcm2 lg yg aku dok fikir..and the results..jeng jeng jeng
alhamdullilah,ayah & mak dgn hati terbuka menerima si dia as menantu to be..
dgn ini,saya berasa lega & gumbira..thanks ayah & mak..luv both of u so much :)
insyallah,semoga pertemuan hr ini membawa seribu rahmat & keberkatan dr Allah SWT..
p/s: I can't upload any raya photos at this moment due to blogspot problem
sorry guys..
Oct 16, 2007
Salam Aidilfitri
Salam..hi ;)
so,how's ur raya? hopefully sumenye ok..insyallah
so,this year korang beraya kat mn? @ kg or bandar?
tak kisah la kat mn pun,yg penting kte bermaaf-maafan,ziarah sanak saudara
as usual,tiap2 thn saya & fmly mmg blk kg beraya
tgh mlm tpt kul12 (12/10/2007) saya & fmly bertolak blk ke kg..
actually our journey end at mak chu house @ ipoh..bersahur kat sana
our planning bertolak tg mlm coz nak elak,end up..jammed gak..
but it was not so bad compared with last least ayah tak penat sgt drive mlm.
we arrived ipoh @ 4am.4hours from bangi to ipoh..kalo time biasa 3jam je
dlm kul12pm,kteorg & fmly mak chu trs gerak ke taiping..
tp,tok tak tau pon yg kteorg sume nak serbu umah tok
sj nak suprise kan tok..hehe ;)
mmg tok terkejut pon bila anak cucu dia sume smpai.. ;p
lps berbuka puasa,kteorg buat BBQ..sedap..biasala..of course resepi saya ;p hehe
pg2 raya,sume bersiap2..pakai bj solat sunat hr raya..
then,br la balun makan juadah ;)
smpaikan saya & adik2 sume sakit perut kul4pg..hehe
bergilir2 gi toilet..toilet kat kg bkn dlm umah kat luar..kene bwk torch light..hahaha
plg lawak bila adik saya menjerit2 kat dlm toilet sbb ada katak besar kat situ..hehe
(aku pon geli gak dgn katak... ;p) sian dia...
this year,is 2nd year saya memberi duit,saya still dpt duit raya lg..ngehehe ;p
for my siblings..more than the others la.. :)
seronok bila kte plak dpt bg duit raya..even tak seberapa..
tp,pemberian seikhlas di hati itula yg plg penting & diberkati..insyallah
to all my frens,rsnye blm terlmbt to wish salam aidilfitri
maaf zahir & batin jika ada salah & silap,terkasar bahasa..
terlanjur perbuatan yg myb tak disengajakan
semoga lebaran kali ni membawa seribu rahmat & keberkatan buat kita semua
jemputla dtg ke rumah ye ;)
so,how's ur raya? hopefully sumenye ok..insyallah
so,this year korang beraya kat mn? @ kg or bandar?
tak kisah la kat mn pun,yg penting kte bermaaf-maafan,ziarah sanak saudara
as usual,tiap2 thn saya & fmly mmg blk kg beraya
tgh mlm tpt kul12 (12/10/2007) saya & fmly bertolak blk ke kg..
actually our journey end at mak chu house @ ipoh..bersahur kat sana
our planning bertolak tg mlm coz nak elak,end up..jammed gak..
but it was not so bad compared with last least ayah tak penat sgt drive mlm.
we arrived ipoh @ 4am.4hours from bangi to ipoh..kalo time biasa 3jam je
dlm kul12pm,kteorg & fmly mak chu trs gerak ke taiping..
tp,tok tak tau pon yg kteorg sume nak serbu umah tok
sj nak suprise kan tok..hehe ;)
mmg tok terkejut pon bila anak cucu dia sume smpai.. ;p
lps berbuka puasa,kteorg buat BBQ..sedap..biasala..of course resepi saya ;p hehe
pg2 raya,sume bersiap2..pakai bj solat sunat hr raya..
then,br la balun makan juadah ;)
smpaikan saya & adik2 sume sakit perut kul4pg..hehe
bergilir2 gi toilet..toilet kat kg bkn dlm umah kat luar..kene bwk torch light..hahaha
plg lawak bila adik saya menjerit2 kat dlm toilet sbb ada katak besar kat situ..hehe
(aku pon geli gak dgn katak... ;p) sian dia...
this year,is 2nd year saya memberi duit,saya still dpt duit raya lg..ngehehe ;p
for my siblings..more than the others la.. :)
seronok bila kte plak dpt bg duit raya..even tak seberapa..
tp,pemberian seikhlas di hati itula yg plg penting & diberkati..insyallah
to all my frens,rsnye blm terlmbt to wish salam aidilfitri
maaf zahir & batin jika ada salah & silap,terkasar bahasa..
terlanjur perbuatan yg myb tak disengajakan
semoga lebaran kali ni membawa seribu rahmat & keberkatan buat kita semua
jemputla dtg ke rumah ye ;)
Oct 7, 2007
Upin & Ipin

salam..lama dah tak update skitla bln puasa ni
ni pun br je lps buat biskut raya..dah seronok tau ;)
haa..korang sume ada tgk tak cite kisah twin bro yg botak ni?
introducing...UPIN & IPIN...comel tau..geram sgt tgk telatah budak2 ni
especially tang suara diorang yg cute tu..betul..betul..betul :p
time solat terawikh,mst aku jmpe dgn budak2 kecik yg cute cm ni
rs nak cubit je..gomoi puas2..geram..hehe :)
ada 1 hari tu,ms tgh beli juadah berbuka kat pasar ramadhan,
ada 2org adik beradik yg botak cm,comel..
ish,kalo la dpt anak kembar mst best kan..haahahaa..
insyallah,berdoa dlm bln ramadhan ni akan dimakbulkan..
(pttnye aku kene berdoa dpt jodoh dlu la :p)
ok,ramadhan kian berada dipenghujungnya..
semoga kita semua diberi peluang utk bertemu dgn malam yg penuh keberkatan & rahmat..
malam lailatul qadar...insyallah
Sep 24, 2007
Biskut Raya :)
Oh,entry kali ni is all about my planning to make raya cookies :) yea!
I used to make cookies every year when raya comes
rasa tak lengkap je kalo tak buat biskut raya..even tough I didn't make to much cookies
I just make usual cookies..especially my familys' fav
yelah,kalo buat cookies yg ntah ape2,takde sape nak makan..membazir jelah
for my mum,I'm planning to make 'biskut tat nenas' one of her fav of course
my siblings..sume suke biskut cornflakes + biskut almond london..
my dad?? he doesn't like cookies..ayah saya makan skit je ;p
ok,here the list all the cookies that I will make
biskut arab + biskut cornflakes + tat nenas + chip chocolate + nestum cookies
tu je..hehehe :) nak buat lebih2 pon dah tak sempat..ok,nnt I'll update psl buat cookies plak ye
em,sepanjang ramadhan ni..what's ur dishes for berbuka puasa? ;)
me? just simple dishes..biasanya,saya tak berbuka puasa makan nasi kalo kat umah..
sbb mls nak msk..kalo msk pon,tak hbs nnt..hehehe :p
btw,sejak dok kat umah fira ni,saya dah pandai makan nasi ms berbuka ;)
masakan mak fira mmg best..sdp..hingga menjilat jari..
anyway,for this year I only cook sumthing for my family in weeekend
(btw,last week I made puding roti kat umah fira..hehehe..yg sdpnye,kastard yg mak fira pudding? okla ;p)
last weekend,I made kastard koktail..kastard lg kan..kastard ni part of my fav skg..hehe
my little sister loved it very much..actually,mula2 saya makan ni koktail ni kat umah fira
mak fira yg buat..em,pstu trs jatuh cinta..nape??? sbb koktail ni ada jeli yg lembik..hehehe
saya teramatla suka any dishes yg lembik2 ni..mcm dishes for baby ;p
this year maira dah start puasa..tak penuh pon..hehe ;)
so,as a reward for her,my parents will give her rm30..if dia puasa penuhla
(nmpk gayanya,dia tak dpt ler amount sebyk tu..hahaha..kak long gelak jht)
to all,puasa penuh tau..hehehe..only women je yg ada excuse tak puasa ;p
p/s : pics will be update later
I used to make cookies every year when raya comes
rasa tak lengkap je kalo tak buat biskut raya..even tough I didn't make to much cookies
I just make usual cookies..especially my familys' fav
yelah,kalo buat cookies yg ntah ape2,takde sape nak makan..membazir jelah
for my mum,I'm planning to make 'biskut tat nenas' one of her fav of course
my siblings..sume suke biskut cornflakes + biskut almond london..
my dad?? he doesn't like cookies..ayah saya makan skit je ;p
ok,here the list all the cookies that I will make
biskut arab + biskut cornflakes + tat nenas + chip chocolate + nestum cookies
tu je..hehehe :) nak buat lebih2 pon dah tak sempat..ok,nnt I'll update psl buat cookies plak ye
em,sepanjang ramadhan ni..what's ur dishes for berbuka puasa? ;)
me? just simple dishes..biasanya,saya tak berbuka puasa makan nasi kalo kat umah..
sbb mls nak msk..kalo msk pon,tak hbs nnt..hehehe :p
btw,sejak dok kat umah fira ni,saya dah pandai makan nasi ms berbuka ;)
masakan mak fira mmg best..sdp..hingga menjilat jari..
anyway,for this year I only cook sumthing for my family in weeekend
(btw,last week I made puding roti kat umah fira..hehehe..yg sdpnye,kastard yg mak fira pudding? okla ;p)
last weekend,I made kastard koktail..kastard lg kan..kastard ni part of my fav skg..hehe
my little sister loved it very much..actually,mula2 saya makan ni koktail ni kat umah fira
mak fira yg buat..em,pstu trs jatuh cinta..nape??? sbb koktail ni ada jeli yg lembik..hehehe
saya teramatla suka any dishes yg lembik2 ni..mcm dishes for baby ;p
this year maira dah start puasa..tak penuh pon..hehe ;)
so,as a reward for her,my parents will give her rm30..if dia puasa penuhla
(nmpk gayanya,dia tak dpt ler amount sebyk tu..hahaha..kak long gelak jht)
to all,puasa penuh tau..hehehe..only women je yg ada excuse tak puasa ;p
p/s : pics will be update later
Sep 16, 2007
Bila terasa bosan....
1.takde org (biasanya aku dok ler sorang2 bila bos & ina gi meeting)
plg parah & membosankan bila ina mc @ cuti...
mmg boring tahap cipan..em,sbb aku takde partner nak berborak..
(takkan nak borak dgn bos kot..hehehe ;p)
2.bila takde keje...last month,mmg aku takde keje new project..
just continue handle previous project which is still under construction
so,keje aku berlakon dpn bos yg aku ni bz dgn keje..hehehe..
sjk keje ni,mmg aku selalu la berlakon..bila nak mng award ni??? wahaha ;p pstu,aku siap blh tido lg time lunch hour..yg plg mcm tak msk akal skit,aku kdg2 mimpi plak tu ms tido..pernah sekali tu aku mimpi hantu kat ofis..trs aku terjaga..mengelabah gak..takut ler..huhuhu ;p
3.yg ni aku plg bengang tahap cipan..dulu kat ofis ada connection,bila2 free blhla surf web..suddenly,bos block all the connection..tak blh nak surf internet lg..huhuhu..geram betoi..bknnya aku surf benda2 bkn2..dalam erti kata lain..aku tak penah pon leka surf internet smpai tak buat keje..em,bos ni jeles la tuh..
so,all this matter that make me really bore at office...em,actually there is more than mls nak la pics muka2 kebosanan aku.. ;p
but,aku masih bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerna tlh memberikan aku rezeki utk bekerja
at least,I'm still had a chance to have working experience..insyallah,peluang & rezeki dr Allah masih terbuka utk semua hambanya..cuma kita jgn pernah putus asa..try & still trying..until today,I still keep my hopes...keep holding on..because Allah always know what is the best 4 us ;)
Sep 12, 2007
Salam Ramadhan
Salam ramadhan every one..
sorry la lama tak update blog..
bkn takde mood,tp tak berkesempatan
cewah..mcmla aku ni bz sgt..kalah menteri..hehe
for trip to PD yg dah jd cite basi..insyallah akan di post weekend ni.. ;p
saya dah mengarang cite tu dr last week tp tak hbs2 gak..
nmpak gayanye..saya ni takde bakat langsung nak jd novelis
wahaha..sbb tu aku jd operator keje sampingan aku ;p haimi..yes? wanna speak to whom?
ac mizal? sorry ye ac mizal takde kat sini..
ntah ape plak aku melalut nih..
ok,sempena ramadhan yg mulia dan penuh barakah ni..
seorang rakan kareb saya..telah me'remind' ttg perkara ni
'semoga ramadhan kali ini,ibadah kita lebih baik dr ramadhan sblmnya'
insyallah..jom kita sama2 rebut ramadhan kali ini dgn beribadah,
beramal dgn penuh khusyuk & tawadduk..
azam saya kali ni,nak bertadarus dgn housemate..hehe ;)
lg bgs kalo dpt khatam al-quran 30 juzuk..insyallah..
dan..petikan kata2 ini sebagai tazkirah pendek buat renungan semua
"beri hatimu hanya untuk Allah,pasti Allah temukan padamu pemilik terbaik..
hamparkan masamu hanya kerana Allah,pasti Allah aturkan hidupmu sebaiknya"
akhir cerita..izinkan kedua tangan bersimpuh maaf untuk lisan yg tak terjaga,
hati yg berperasangka, & sikap yg pernah menyakitkan hati...wassalam ;)
sorry la lama tak update blog..
bkn takde mood,tp tak berkesempatan
cewah..mcmla aku ni bz sgt..kalah menteri..hehe
for trip to PD yg dah jd cite basi..insyallah akan di post weekend ni.. ;p
saya dah mengarang cite tu dr last week tp tak hbs2 gak..
nmpak gayanye..saya ni takde bakat langsung nak jd novelis
wahaha..sbb tu aku jd operator keje sampingan aku ;p haimi..yes? wanna speak to whom?
ac mizal? sorry ye ac mizal takde kat sini..
ntah ape plak aku melalut nih..
ok,sempena ramadhan yg mulia dan penuh barakah ni..
seorang rakan kareb saya..telah me'remind' ttg perkara ni
'semoga ramadhan kali ini,ibadah kita lebih baik dr ramadhan sblmnya'
insyallah..jom kita sama2 rebut ramadhan kali ini dgn beribadah,
beramal dgn penuh khusyuk & tawadduk..
azam saya kali ni,nak bertadarus dgn housemate..hehe ;)
lg bgs kalo dpt khatam al-quran 30 juzuk..insyallah..
dan..petikan kata2 ini sebagai tazkirah pendek buat renungan semua
"beri hatimu hanya untuk Allah,pasti Allah temukan padamu pemilik terbaik..
hamparkan masamu hanya kerana Allah,pasti Allah aturkan hidupmu sebaiknya"
akhir cerita..izinkan kedua tangan bersimpuh maaf untuk lisan yg tak terjaga,
hati yg berperasangka, & sikap yg pernah menyakitkan hati...wassalam ;)
Sep 9, 2007
Trip to was fun ;)
insyallah,this reunion will be our anual program..
reunion kali ni..'lama tak jmpe kamu' idea kent..
sbb dia selaku leader of the trip..hehe
ok,sume peserta yg join kali ni 17org..gulrz - me,athirah,azie,fira,zura,dal,farah,rose & nad
boys - kent,burn,dol,adi,faiz,wari,faraid & kwn faraid yg saya dah lupe nama dia...hehe..
ramai gak sadly,3org dr geng bdk hitam tak dpt nak join..they are hanim,lela & dayah..takpelah..mybe next year they will be able to join ;)
em,mybe I'll just story little bit..(malasnye..saya dah mengarang pjg lebar mlm smlm..tetiba comp wat hal..habis sume karangan saya hilang tibe2..bengang!)
ok,kteorg bertolak dr tempat & negeri masing2 on 31/8/2007..janji nak berkumpul kat resort kul,biasa janji melayu..hehehe..saya & azie pon smpai kul 5.30pm..hehe..sementara tgu 3 SBM gurlz smpai,kteorg dok borak dlu..yelah,lama tak jmpe kan..mcm2 cite nih..gosip hangat bangat ;p after solat maghrib,kteorg gi makan seafood..
all the dishes was tasty..sedap.. ;)
start 10pm to 12pm..haa,sesi karaoke..sume org dpt chance nak menyanyi..yg plg layan blues mlm tu,I think..kent ;p wahaha..
saya pon nyanyi gak..2 songs..even my voice tak sedap..hahaha ;p
next day,kteorg beronggeng di tepi pantai yg indah...sukaneka..tirah g incharge part ni..plg havoc ms main game cium molot..hahaha..kontroversi betoi..geli geleman pon ada..pndai ye cik tirah reka game...after main beach volleyball,kteorg main banana boat plak..
seriously saya brdebar2 ms tu..takut beb..bila dah tergolek dlm air tuh..
rs mcm best plak..nak lagi..we want more..hehe
then,bdk2 lelaki dok main pasir..kent dah jd penyu bertelur..tersesat plak penyu ni kat perairan selat melaka ;p kteorg nak terjun dulu dlm swimming pool..even aku tak tau swimming..
jd badak berendam pon ok gak..hehe ;p btw,kat resort tu ada
rs relax sambil badan diurut
ptg tu,kteorg rehat je..dah pnt..lps mkn pizza yg azie & fira belanja..
thanks azie & fira ;)
mlm,BBQ time..resepi saya :) kteorg panggang ayam,daging & udang..sedap..
komen la skit sape yg dah rs tu..hehe..;) sambil tu kteorg borak2 dpn unggun api..

esok,after sume dah siap packing brg,kteorg check out..
next prog,main sgt2..
even ada peristiwa yg tak dpt dilupakan berlaku on that day..anyway,sume org happy on this vacation..hopefully,next year we will meet again.. ;)
Aug 26, 2007
From jordan wif love
Last sunday,my cousin just came back from jordan..sem break for a month
kejap je kan..almost a year she been there..
further her study at university of jordan
taking medical study..healer to be lah kan ;)
from l-r : aimi,hanis & sofa
my aunt,mak chu is the person who very excited..
yelah,dah sethn tak jmpe her baby..hehe ;)
btw,my cousin name is hanis syazana..we just called her hanis
(or hanis lentok..coz she is sooo lemah lembut..ayu)
she arrived at KLIA in 2.30pm.. 1hour delay..atas sebab2 yg tak dpt dielakkan

apricot delicious..yg atas ni..stone???'s chocolate stone
oh,the best part is..of course la souvenier that she bought from jordan
haa..mcm2 dia borong..pandai gak cousin aku ni shopping
everybody got their mum & maira dpt jubah..ayah too
aku dpt selendang wif brooch..hehehe..blh pakai time raya ;p
all the fruits that she bought was sooo fresh..sedap sgt
maira pose wif fresh dates..
this week,I attend my mum relative wedding at kota damansara..
then,mlm tu gi pulun makan sate kajang at hj samuri..ramai gile org..
biasa la weekend..staf gomen br msk gaji plak tu kan..
tghri td aku try wat honeycomb cake(resepi yg aku mintak kat echa) 1st trial
unfortunately..tak,aku kene mintak petua2 kat echa lg ni..blh kan echa ;)
supposed to be cake..but the results..jd bengkang..kah kah kah
so,makan least the taste is good..lalala ;p
kejap je kan..almost a year she been there..
further her study at university of jordan
taking medical study..healer to be lah kan ;)
my aunt,mak chu is the person who very excited..
yelah,dah sethn tak jmpe her baby..hehe ;)
btw,my cousin name is hanis syazana..we just called her hanis
(or hanis lentok..coz she is sooo lemah lembut..ayu)
she arrived at KLIA in 2.30pm.. 1hour delay..atas sebab2 yg tak dpt dielakkan
oh,the best part is..of course la souvenier that she bought from jordan
haa..mcm2 dia borong..pandai gak cousin aku ni shopping
everybody got their mum & maira dpt jubah..ayah too
aku dpt selendang wif brooch..hehehe..blh pakai time raya ;p
all the fruits that she bought was sooo fresh..sedap sgt
this week,I attend my mum relative wedding at kota damansara..
then,mlm tu gi pulun makan sate kajang at hj samuri..ramai gile org..
biasa la weekend..staf gomen br msk gaji plak tu kan..
tghri td aku try wat honeycomb cake(resepi yg aku mintak kat echa) 1st trial
unfortunately..tak,aku kene mintak petua2 kat echa lg ni..blh kan echa ;)
supposed to be cake..but the results..jd bengkang..kah kah kah
so,makan least the taste is good..lalala ;p
Aug 20, 2007
Walimatul Urus Liya
Last weekend I was soo busy with a lot of agenda..
pg sabtu aku n dal dah gerak from B.B.bangi early in the morning..
takle awal sesudah subuh..around 9.30am :)
So,destinasi kami ialah...Sekinchan..jauh tu..dkt 2jam lebih perjalanan pergi shj
Alhamdullilah,cuaca hr tu sgt la ok..tak panas..tak hjn..cerah
Kami berpakat jmpe Hana,Mai & Muhsin kat tol sg.buloh dlm kul10.30am
dlm kul10am aku dah smpai..cewah,punctual kan..
(selalunya aku la org yg plg lmbt smpai..hehehe)
then,bila sume dah ada,kteorg pon bergerak menuju ke destinasi..yeah yeah ;)
konvoi 3 kereta..last time aku lalu jln ke kuala selangor ni,7thn lps kot
ms adik aku,saufi sekolah kat smka kuala selangor..lama tak igt tu ;)
dulu jln blh tahan teruk gak..1 lane je..kalo ada lori gabak dpn tu.
so,terpakse la membontoti lori tu kan..
nak potong takut gak..mmg kene & furios..hehehe ;)
skg dah ok..2 lane..confident la skit nak drive
Lebih kurang kul12 tghri,kteorg selamat smpai kat sekinchan
kat umah kenduri dah ramai tetamu..rombongan pihak lelaki pon br je smpai
kedengaran bunyi kompang dipalu2 dr jauh..hehehe :)
disebabkan perut kteorg dah mula berkeroncong ms tu (lapar giler tahap cipan)
dgn tanpa melengahkan ms,kteorg trs amik nasi & lauk kenduri yg dah sedia terhidang
haa,ni 1st time aku makan mskn kenduri ala jawa
mmg lain dr yg lain..sumenye mskn 100% stail org jawa
mmg sedap..marvelous :) kalo blh,rs nak tapau je..hehehe ;p
selesai makan,br kteorg jmpe liya & husband..cun liya hr tu..lawa lah
sempat la bergambar dgn pengantin & jmpe K.E & partner,Ira,Zaid..
bdk2 TIKL yg lain dtg lmbt kot,so tak berkesempatan la nak jmpe..
pelamin,hantaran,bilik pengantin sume follow tema..combination gold,biege & yellow
very nice..plg aku suka bunga cempaka yg tabur atas katil tu..wangi ;)
disebabkan hal2 yg tak dpt dielakkan..lps solat zuhur,aku & dal berangkat pulang
smpai kat sg.buloh,aku tersalah amik jalan..ikut mrr2
jam teruk gila..aduh..penat btl..mlm tu,kul10 aku dah terbongkang tido..hehe
itulah kisah my journey to pnt yg teramat..huhuhu
To liya..congratulation..semoga berbahagia hingga ke anak cucu ;)
Aug 12, 2007
It's good to walk
ok,my activities on this weekend :) not so much things I bought..
just a things that I needed
btw,I didn't planning to shopping..but,somehow biasa la org perempuan..bila dah smpai shopping complex,kalo takde hajat nak bli ape2pon,mst terbeli punye..hehe ;p
actually,I just accompanied my sis to buy a presents 4 her frens convocation day
end of this month..
mula2 tu both of us langsung takde idea nak bli present,chocolate & teddy bear??? ala,all those things dah biasa sgt kan..we wanted sumthing different this time :) extraordinary..hehe
(last time ms aku convo,bunga pon bli sendiri..huhuhu..kesian )
after survey all the 'possible present'..we decided to buy....a sock! hahaha :)
sooo weird isn't it? but,I think it is sumthing nice..sumthing that u not gonna forget..yelah,coz that present is different from the others..(btw,my sis is socks collector..she got a lots of socks..dlm laci dia pnh dgn stokin yg brmcm2 wrna..haku pon tak tau la nape dia soka sgt bli stokin :p)
and I bought a pair of cute ladies sock..colourful :) (rege pon ok sbb skg ni tgh sale kat sox world)
1 thing yg best psl sox world ni is their motto : it's good to walk..yes it is..walking is just a simple exercise that u can do in any time..tak ssh pon kan :)
and,it's good 4 our health..keep ur body fit & maintained ur stamina
so,after this we can walk together2-lah :)..hehe..


it's good to run,it's good to skate,it's good to slide,it's good to jump,it's good to jog,it's good to tiptoe :)
yehoooo... :)
just a things that I needed
btw,I didn't planning to shopping..but,somehow biasa la org perempuan..bila dah smpai shopping complex,kalo takde hajat nak bli ape2pon,mst terbeli punye..hehe ;p
actually,I just accompanied my sis to buy a presents 4 her frens convocation day
end of this month..
mula2 tu both of us langsung takde idea nak bli present,chocolate & teddy bear??? ala,all those things dah biasa sgt kan..we wanted sumthing different this time :) extraordinary..hehe
(last time ms aku convo,bunga pon bli sendiri..huhuhu..kesian )
after survey all the 'possible present'..we decided to buy....a sock! hahaha :)
sooo weird isn't it? but,I think it is sumthing nice..sumthing that u not gonna forget..yelah,coz that present is different from the others..(btw,my sis is socks collector..she got a lots of socks..dlm laci dia pnh dgn stokin yg brmcm2 wrna..haku pon tak tau la nape dia soka sgt bli stokin :p)
and I bought a pair of cute ladies sock..colourful :) (rege pon ok sbb skg ni tgh sale kat sox world)
1 thing yg best psl sox world ni is their motto : it's good to walk..yes it is..walking is just a simple exercise that u can do in any time..tak ssh pon kan :)
and,it's good 4 our health..keep ur body fit & maintained ur stamina
so,after this we can walk together2-lah :)..hehe..
it's good to run,it's good to skate,it's good to slide,it's good to jump,it's good to jog,it's good to tiptoe :)
yehoooo... :)
Aug 9, 2007 phase of life
Last saturday,me,elle,my & hana went to ainul house for an....engagement ceremony...yes,'s,from now on ainul is officially kabe's fiance..hows sweet ;) alhamdullilah,everything run smoothly that evening with blessing from Allah SWT..the ceremony started at 12pm..first the discussion between ainuls' & kabes' family about wedding date & bla,bla,bla..then,future ainul's MIL put a ring on ainul's finger..(ainul so nervous that time..seram sejuk..she just feel wanna to cry..aku pon nervous gak..sikit ;p) after everything was settle,it's time for makan la :) all the food was so delicious (kalo aku blh sumbat mkn byk2 on that day,dah lama aku mkn kenyang2 smpai perut ketat..hehe) masakan kampong..I loike ;)
cewah,aku igt lg time diorang couple dlu..em,lbh kurang 7thn lps..lama kan..haaa,time flies so fast isn't it..tup tup..dah engage,after this ape lg..kte tgu undangan mkn nasi minyak ler pulak..I still remember ainul & kabe were dating in classroom..aku pura2 buat2 tak tau je..nak cover la ms tu..coz kteorg ni,prefect pon just a normal human being..of course la we also had a feeling to love & to be love..hehehe..trk jgk diaorg kene sound dgn cikgu psl kes couple,kalo dah jodoh..tak ke mana..pi mai pi mai tang tu la jgk ;)
I think ainul & kabe deserved to get tittle couple of the year..for TIKL batch 1999/2000..ade sape2 nak bg award nih?
to syad :- ape kate ko blh memfilemkan kisah percintaan diaorg nih..filem pendek pon jd la
aku cdgkan muhsin tulis skrip..hahaha..aku blh jd supporting actress tak? ;p
lokasi : sekitar TIKL + UTM
budget : mintak sekolah sponsor..(hehehe..pttnye kte yg kene bg sponsor kat sekolah)
cintan cintun zaman sekolah ni mmg sweet..kelakar pon ada gak..yelah,ms tu masing2 tak matured lg ;p tp,kenangan ni lah yg kite akan selalu kenang..smpai bila2 ;) kenangan terindah if I could turn back time..if wish to be in TIKL once more ;) ade sape2 nak join?
cite aku ms zaman sekolah dlu?? hahaha kes aku lain skit..kes SS (syok sendiri ;p aku funny when I think about my sweet memory in TIKL..I had a crush wit this boy..he quiet famous (actually he really famous..kahkahkah ;p) to my fren yg tau kisah ni,ape yg korang dok gelak2 tu hah..ntah ape2 la aku ni ms tu..hehehe. tp,tu sume kisah dolu2 yg dah takde maknanye pon..just a puppy love..ish,bkn puppy love kot..sbb aku ni bertepuk sblh tgn je kan..hahaha ;p malunya aku bila pk2,just forget about the past..start a new story in ur life..make it more colourful & wonderful :)

so here r the pics : me & ainul..also the hantaran..I luv the colour combination of hantaran..simple & sweet
cewah,aku igt lg time diorang couple dlu..em,lbh kurang 7thn lps..lama kan..haaa,time flies so fast isn't it..tup tup..dah engage,after this ape lg..kte tgu undangan mkn nasi minyak ler pulak..I still remember ainul & kabe were dating in classroom..aku pura2 buat2 tak tau je..nak cover la ms tu..coz kteorg ni,prefect pon just a normal human being..of course la we also had a feeling to love & to be love..hehehe..trk jgk diaorg kene sound dgn cikgu psl kes couple,kalo dah jodoh..tak ke mana..pi mai pi mai tang tu la jgk ;)
I think ainul & kabe deserved to get tittle couple of the year..for TIKL batch 1999/2000..ade sape2 nak bg award nih?
to syad :- ape kate ko blh memfilemkan kisah percintaan diaorg nih..filem pendek pon jd la
aku cdgkan muhsin tulis skrip..hahaha..aku blh jd supporting actress tak? ;p
lokasi : sekitar TIKL + UTM
budget : mintak sekolah sponsor..(hehehe..pttnye kte yg kene bg sponsor kat sekolah)
cintan cintun zaman sekolah ni mmg sweet..kelakar pon ada gak..yelah,ms tu masing2 tak matured lg ;p tp,kenangan ni lah yg kite akan selalu kenang..smpai bila2 ;) kenangan terindah if I could turn back time..if wish to be in TIKL once more ;) ade sape2 nak join?
cite aku ms zaman sekolah dlu?? hahaha kes aku lain skit..kes SS (syok sendiri ;p aku funny when I think about my sweet memory in TIKL..I had a crush wit this boy..he quiet famous (actually he really famous..kahkahkah ;p) to my fren yg tau kisah ni,ape yg korang dok gelak2 tu hah..ntah ape2 la aku ni ms tu..hehehe. tp,tu sume kisah dolu2 yg dah takde maknanye pon..just a puppy love..ish,bkn puppy love kot..sbb aku ni bertepuk sblh tgn je kan..hahaha ;p malunya aku bila pk2,just forget about the past..start a new story in ur life..make it more colourful & wonderful :)
so here r the pics : me & ainul..also the hantaran..I luv the colour combination of hantaran..simple & sweet
Aug 5, 2007
Always cooking with love
yup,always cooking with love ;) thats what my mum always told me..time prepare nak msk tu,ms basuh sayur ke,mengacau kuah ke,ape2 je lah...jgn lupa selawat..haaa..I tell u what..this is the 'petua org2 lama' in order to make their family close..the lurve is always in their heart..taking a good care on each other..
dan yg plg penting,insyallah dgn cr ni jd pengerat kasih syg between husband & nak tambat hati hubby la..sng works..hehehe ;) from my mum experience of course..lgpun,byk benefits berselawat ni..dpt pahala,hati menjd tenang..oh,I still remember one of my akak usrah used to give an advice everytime we gather,she must say this quote 'Hanya dgn mengingati Allah swt,hati kita akan menjadi tenang',whenever u feel sad,hopeless and what-so-ever..the best way to do is...make urself close to Allah swt..insyallah,every single things will be settle down
okei,today I'm making bihun sup ;) my father fav dishes all da time (actually my ayah is 'addicted' with whatever sup,especially sup tulang,sup gear box..hehe)
well,the steps to make bihun sup is quiet easy..I think anybody can cook it ;) just,cook the sup..then u have to prepare the others (taugeh,sawi,bawang goreng,sambal kicap...ape2 bhn tambahan yg anda soka,mengikut selera masing2)
so,here is my bihun sup...serve ala kampong ;)
dan yg plg penting,insyallah dgn cr ni jd pengerat kasih syg between husband & nak tambat hati hubby la..sng works..hehehe ;) from my mum experience of course..lgpun,byk benefits berselawat ni..dpt pahala,hati menjd tenang..oh,I still remember one of my akak usrah used to give an advice everytime we gather,she must say this quote 'Hanya dgn mengingati Allah swt,hati kita akan menjadi tenang',whenever u feel sad,hopeless and what-so-ever..the best way to do is...make urself close to Allah swt..insyallah,every single things will be settle down
okei,today I'm making bihun sup ;) my father fav dishes all da time (actually my ayah is 'addicted' with whatever sup,especially sup tulang,sup gear box..hehe)
well,the steps to make bihun sup is quiet easy..I think anybody can cook it ;) just,cook the sup..then u have to prepare the others (taugeh,sawi,bawang goreng,sambal kicap...ape2 bhn tambahan yg anda soka,mengikut selera masing2)
so,here is my bihun sup...serve ala kampong ;)
Aug 1, 2007
I had a BAD day!!
Yesterday was a very2 bad day for me..urgh..argh ;( I was kind of in hypertension situation all day..
my best frens..l-r: me,hafsah & nadiah...we still get along until now...our frienship is almost 12 years ;)
utm chicks...aha..its 10 of us & we called ourselves 10 bdk hitam..yeah,definetely we get together from 1st year until almost 7years ;) back row :- l-r :anim,dayah(da one & only in 10 bdk hitam gang yg dah kawin..hehe)dal,fira
front row:- me,farah,zura,azie & tirah..not in pic..lela
first,aku smpai ofis kul10..giler betol! I was trapped in traffic jammed about 2hours bcoz of accident near KJ..mnla tak naik blood pressure aku ni..tak pasal2 muda2 lg dah ada penyakit..nauzubillah..mintak dijauhkan..
nsb baik kat ofis lega skit coz this month there is no new projects come in..stkt keje2 biasa tu takde la aku nak tensen,at 6 o'clock aku mcm biasalah,trs kemas brg..its time to chow ma..hehehe ;)
dgn relaxnya,aku drive carefully(coz aku pnh accident kat area puchong on da way to office in da morning,blh thn trauma gak aku pastu..hihihi) tibe2 dpn flyover kat bdr puchong,ntah mn sesat seekor kucing yg bulunya berwarna putih..cantik..
aku terkejut..panic..aku nak brek tibe2 dah tak sempat,so aku belasah jelah drive sambil pegang stereng kuat2 & jerit..Aaaaaaaah!!! tp,kucing tu lps..unfortunately,mmg dah ajal kucing tu smlm..kete blkg aku pon tak dpt nak elak & langgar kucing tu..mati..aku sempat perasan bulu kucing tu berterbangan mcm dlm citer katun tu..innalillah..tamatla riwayat kucing putih di LDP..
then,bila aku smpai je kat tol puchong,aku amk lane nak bg duit kat tol gate girl,seposen trjth..b4 ni,pnh gak duit aku trjth ms nak byr tol,tp minah2 tol gate yg lain ok je..minah ni kerek..dia srh aku bg gak seposen..aku pn ckpla..'dik,duit tu terjatuh,nnt adik amk ye'..dia bls..'kak,sy dh pnh terkene org tipu cm ni'..haaa,ade ke ptt minah tu ckp aku penipu..ceh!! geram betol aku..aku trs bg duit,n blah..dlm kete,aku jerit sekuat2nya...lantakla..asalkan lps sume tensen aku..
moral of the story..use touch-n-go whenever u drive..malaysian people,please drive carefully..if not u r making trouble to thousand drivers which they might in hurry to office in da morning
to all my frens...happy frenship day ;) hopes our frenship will long lasting 4ever...luv all of ya so much..muah ;)
my best frens..l-r: me,hafsah & nadiah...we still get along until now...our frienship is almost 12 years ;)

front row:- me,farah,zura,azie & tirah..not in pic..lela
Jul 29, 2007
Cooking Time
I did'nt have enough time to write at this moment..blk umah je dah maghrib,trs mandi,solat & having dinner..tot tet tot tet..dah,it's a time to sleep..I feel so tired..but,life must go on..I just have to adapt the lifesytle as a career woman..cewah ;)
ok,Yeah...its all about cooking 4 this entry..yup,I lurve cooking..I think,I started to cook since I was 9 yrs old..and of course that time my mum was the person who responsible in making my interest to cook ;) love u,bkn msk maggi ye..msk yg btl2 ni..
At the beginning,I just cook simple recipe..ex :- masak nasi,goreng telur(oleh disbbkan aku ni kreatif,so aku dah create recipe telur goreng yg spesel skit..wit sauce..hehe ;p ) bila dah terror skit,aku tlgla mak msk recipe yg ssh2 skit..ex :- kari(sume jenis kari..kari ayam,kari kepala ikan),msk kurma,sweet sour & berjenis2 lg masakan yg kdg2 tu aku pon tak tau la nak bg nama ape..hentam sajala
mak aku reti msk mskn melayu,I got my own initiative to cook western food & also others such as japanese food,arabian food and so on-lah..maka,bermulalah my episode of trying to cook every recipe..(only yg aku rs nak try je..and pastinya SEDAP..yummy)
last week,aku buat sushi..roll sushi..b4 aku tau wt sushi ni,mmg aku soka teramat sgt mkn,aku pon sj try nak buat sendiri la kan..blh mkn puas2..hehe..mmg teramatla sng nak buat sushi..all ingridient is easy to find..kat mn2 supermarket sure ade..the recipe? just find it in this website (
ta-daaa..this is the roll sushi ;) mybe after this I should try other types of sushi right...
and today,I'm making macaroni ;) I call it macaroni marinara bcoz 4 this time I only put seafood to make it more tasty..aku plg suka kalo added little bit of ada umph..kalo byk cheese lg best..(bcoz aku ni mmg cheeze person) ape2 types of cheese blh ditmbh..plg best parmesan cheese-la..brocolli tu just to make my dishes look balanced..and of course,mybe every weekend (if I'm not bz-la..huhu) i'll update my latest cooking experiment..enjoy ;) macaroni is ready to be serve..marvelous ;)
ok,Yeah...its all about cooking 4 this entry..yup,I lurve cooking..I think,I started to cook since I was 9 yrs old..and of course that time my mum was the person who responsible in making my interest to cook ;) love u,bkn msk maggi ye..msk yg btl2 ni..
At the beginning,I just cook simple recipe..ex :- masak nasi,goreng telur(oleh disbbkan aku ni kreatif,so aku dah create recipe telur goreng yg spesel skit..wit sauce..hehe ;p ) bila dah terror skit,aku tlgla mak msk recipe yg ssh2 skit..ex :- kari(sume jenis kari..kari ayam,kari kepala ikan),msk kurma,sweet sour & berjenis2 lg masakan yg kdg2 tu aku pon tak tau la nak bg nama ape..hentam sajala
mak aku reti msk mskn melayu,I got my own initiative to cook western food & also others such as japanese food,arabian food and so on-lah..maka,bermulalah my episode of trying to cook every recipe..(only yg aku rs nak try je..and pastinya SEDAP..yummy)
last week,aku buat sushi..roll sushi..b4 aku tau wt sushi ni,mmg aku soka teramat sgt mkn,aku pon sj try nak buat sendiri la kan..blh mkn puas2..hehe..mmg teramatla sng nak buat sushi..all ingridient is easy to find..kat mn2 supermarket sure ade..the recipe? just find it in this website (
ta-daaa..this is the roll sushi ;) mybe after this I should try other types of sushi right...
and today,I'm making macaroni ;) I call it macaroni marinara bcoz 4 this time I only put seafood to make it more tasty..aku plg suka kalo added little bit of ada umph..kalo byk cheese lg best..(bcoz aku ni mmg cheeze person) ape2 types of cheese blh ditmbh..plg best parmesan cheese-la..brocolli tu just to make my dishes look balanced..and of course,mybe every weekend (if I'm not bz-la..huhu) i'll update my latest cooking experiment..enjoy ;)
Jul 15, 2007
Mari Bercerita ;)
Hari ni,adik kecilku,humaira..(the youngest one) masuk pertandingan bercerita sempena majlis ihtifal Tahfiz Ummah ABIM ke-13...tajuk citenye "ANAK RUSA YG SOMBONG"..hr2 dia praktis..semangat (mcm aku ke???..hehe)
kteorg adik-beradik jd pengkritik tetap..haha..
mcm2 kteorg komen,mutu suara la,gaya,intonasi,feeling,,yg last one ni sj ngade2 nak mskkan jgk :p
last week,dia bertanding 10org,then juri pilih 5 the best...humaira ni no 5..nasib..hehehe..markah dia cukup2 makan jer...
anyway,hr ni bdk kecik yg kepoh,byk cakap & tak berhenti2 bercakap ni dpt naib johan..;)
aku terkejut gak..dia pon terkejut..tak sangka kan..kalo nak ikutkan bdk2 lain pon hebat gak
siap pakai costume lg..btw,inilah yg dikatakan rezeki..
hepi tak hengat dia hr ni.. ;)
dr td dok berangan...tu hobi dia ;p
ok,this is story of the girl..kak long proud of u..xoxo ;)
p/s : sorry pic blur sbb terkejut!! ;P
Jul 14, 2007
The beginning of new life

Salam...what should I write here?? erm,actually I use to write my diary..and of course every little single things,secrets,gossips and so on la..every joy,happiness, and not to forget tears and pain ;) but then, I decide to stop writing..malas..erm,not really...but the mood and passion was gone.. ye ke? hehehe ;) so,right this moment..I decide to write again..making my hobby a new life & everyone..enjoy drop ur comment at any time :) xoxo..
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