relaxing body & soul :)
on sunday,I'm got a date with en.syahrul
so,as usual I will bring my bodyguard...of course my sisters..ngehehe
my planning on that day is surveying the ring....erm,I'm not the kind of girl who love to wear,I don't even have a ring before..and I did'nt know my ring size either...poor me =D
after surveying from one to another gold & jewelry shop,luckly I found the one which I like the most
just simple but yet elegant & perfect ring for my little finger..cewah :)
ok,the one that my eyes can't take off was diamond classic shape
but,the problem is....erm,of course the price of that ring
fening la jugak..coz he is the one who gonna pay for that right
end up of the day,we did'nt buy the ring
we decide to survey some other shop to make sure we satisfied
(actually,to satisfied myself la kan..hehehe)
guys,I need ur opinion & suggestion la
coz I don't really know much about diamond ring
shop assistant tu ckp,18karat gold is use for diamond ring
emas 916 tuh terlalu lembut utk pegang diamond
another one problem,yg mana lg cantik...diamond ring with white gold/yellow gold?
million thanks guys :)
wah.. ring hunting ala2 lord of the ring.. hehe.. kalo tanye i pasal cincin2 nih i pun fail gak.. so xdpt nak tolg jawab soalan u.. nway.. now i jadi lecturer part time kat uitm.. sementara 2 tgh cari n apply tempat 4 master.. hope dpt buat tahun depan.. masalah utama yg menghalang is scholars.. ade kenal x any sugar daddy yg bley biayai study i?hehehe.. bile bley bergossip lg ngan jasminian nih??
wuuhuu..akak dah nak tawen ke? hehe..white gold memang cantik! i like~~ tapi value die time beli tuh je..kire takleh gadai.aneway.. bt pe nak gadai cincin x? yellow gold ok jugak kak.. yellow gold+batu putih pun ok. diamond mahaii..heheh..up to u. kawen jgn lupe jempot!!
kak ili..nak smbung master ke? by course@research..?
kalo aku....aku prefer white gold kot...hehehehehe......aku ni tak arif sgt pasal jewelries ni.......btol gak mawar cakap yg pasal white gold ni tak bernilai sgt kalo nak jual balik....tapi kalo utk kawin, watpe nak jual kan?.......selamat berbahagia la ek....kalo dah tetap tarikh nanti jgn lupa bgtau ek.....
ilicious : fuh,baguih hang nak futher master..haa,u blh tnye masterji cik dalila tuh..dia dah ada master in structure tau...power! u nak cr mn sugar daddy yg sponsor study??? erm..the problemo tuh..i never heard any sugar daddy yg pemurah cm tuh..hehehe...sume warga jasminias cm bz jer..ainul bz dgn kursus kawen..kikiki =D
kalo i la.. i prefer gold 4 kawin n white gold tuk tunang.. hehe.. saje je nak tambah pening cik fathiyah nih.. hehe.. i plan nak wat master by course sebab bercita2 nak jadi lecturer.. oo dal dah ade master eh??uuu.. hebat2.. ainul je ke bz ngan kursus 2?bukan u pun same bz ke?heheh.. sape yg akan tukar title dulu eh??u ke ainul??
fathi....congrats dah dapat keje baru.....kat SSP ek?.....ofis baru ko kat mana nanti?.....
wowowowo what ring nih? kawin? tunang? apsal tatau pape nih? grrr :p kita dh kat umah ni..
congrats...for all your "new phase"...:)
deq yah..beli la yang white gold..lebih cantik..nampak classic nak pau en boify np karat punye diamond ni..?dulu penah la beli 1..(org bagi la)kat kecik jer..sesuai utk cincin tunang/risik..x mahal pun masa tu..below 500 lagi..tapi kalo kawin kena la besar sket cincin tu...hehehe..tamak haloba sket!
P/s:white gold mmg xde 2nd value..maybe sebab org jrg pakai..because bila dorg nak leburkan balik..if campur dgn emas biasa tuh..dia akan 'makan' mas kuning tu....kira mas putih ni power la..
me tak bz beli cincin lagi.. lom lagi... ekekek..
but honestly, i think white gold better kot.. Some how it looks younger.. tapi of course value of yellow gold higher.. but i'd still go for white.. pastu 1 diamond.. classic!
Btw, org dh skodeng blog mung ni.. masuk laa blog i plak.. ehehheh.. and don't forget to leave a comment eh.. ekekek..
mawar : kawen??? em,lmbt lg..ngehehe..insyallah,thn dpn kot..nnt akak mst jmpt awak ye..time ni la nk demand tau..nak diamond gak ;p
dal sonic : aku pon suka white gold..looks so classic..tak kan la nak gadai cincin kawen..sentimental value tuh..sure aku jmpt ko..ko la org plg dkt selain hanim..korang kene jd org kuat aku nih..hehehe..aah,next month aku dah start keje kat SSP.ko try la apply kat c2..aku rs SSP mcm nak guna ramai eng je skg..opis aku kat serdang..fuh,lega sbb dkt dgn umah ;)
hafsah : cincin tunang..kte nak gelang ms kawin...hehehe..demand tuh ;p
mimah : thanks mimah... :)
diamante : yup,aku pon prefer white gold..hehe..thanks 4 da info ye..aku nih mmg enggak tau sgt psl jewelry..ngehehe
syad : mung dah update blog?? dah lama gak aku usha blog mung nih..hehe.nnt aku leave comment ya..
ili : ainul dulu...aku lmbt usha2 brg je
wassup.. ape cite confiential nye??oopss kalo confidential x leh cite sini eh??hehe.. kalo ade YM add me la..
plausible storm keighley withdrawing advancement thereof govhome mulroney converted addresses unclear
lolikneri havaqatsu
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