My wed it’s juz a month ++ to go
Here my preparation so far :
Ayah’s fren : confirm!
Menu : mak & ayah think about dis..
saya tak kisah..yg penting mestilah sodap & cukup utk semua tetamu
Kompang : get it from CD jelah…hehehe..pengantin siber…LOL
Reception venue : Hall
Confirm & booked already!
Plus : P/A system, surau, tables & chairs & others accommodation
Payment : next month (take note)
MC/DJ : Ayah’s fren (not yet confirm)
Guest List : Done!
Weddding Invitation Card :
Order with Ixora Design
Artwork still in lambat je kan
Hopefully will get it before 20th December
Souvenier & gift :
Not yet settle…hadoi…
pening jugak pk psl nih
Hantaran :
Gubahan hantaran - sis will help me on dis
Still in searching..em,hunting actually..hahaha
I’ll blog it later ya
some of hasil rembatan for hantaran..3more paper bags wif en.syahrul..haha
Borang nikah :
Not yet fill…hehe..will do it dis week..a must!
HIV test…already done it..alhamdullilah,the result was –ve ;)
Room Deco : DIM…do it myself ;)
Wedding Outfit :
Solemnization : waiting my tailor to finish it..
outfit trial will be on end of dis month
Reception (my side) : still in progress
Reception (his side) : need to alter that outfit..but I still don’t have a time to go there & take a measurement..huhu
Bridal Makeup : for this 3 events, I've already booked 3 different makeup artists..confirm!
Accessories & jewellery : including with the bridal package except for to buy acc by myself..check! cuma nak gi Sri munawwarah bli tudung mini :)
one more to find shuz for nikah
Family Outfit
Baju melayu for Ayah, Saufi & Adib : done
Baju kurung for Farhana, Sabirah & Maira : done
Jubah for Mak & Sofa : still in progress
Spa+facial+manicure+pedicure : Serenity spa,bdr baru bangi
Florist : flowers for hand bouquet,deco & etc by Kak Ina PAPN
Cakes : erm...maybe done by Abil my pakcik sepupu (he's a chef..hehe)
Photography : CS & kawan along(alahai..saya lupa his web..nnt saya cari ya)...not to forget..pre-wedding photog by cik trexcic..hehe ;) buleh tak trah?
Videography : erm..yg ni nak srh je family sendiri amik...kazen mak yg berbakat iteww..hehe ;)
Bridesmaid : cik nadiah & cik siti BFF :)
Hmmmm…apa lagi ya?
I’m worried if there anything yg terlepas pandang…
Tell me if u know k..
I'm really appreciate it ;)
wahhh macam banyak je persediaan kene buat huhuhu malas la kak...
nak kawen tapi nak bawa badan je, preparation sume nak orang siapkan boley? hehehe
wahhh..u pun dah sibuk nak kawin ni!!!btw, buat kat dewan mana?kat bangi ke?
lupa nak ckp, paperbag habib tu comel kan?huhuuuu!!!!
huhh..byk lg preparation x siap lg ni. cepat kayuh kak! btw, congrats in advance. besnyerr :P hiihiiihh
cpt2.... patutnyer 1 month before dh settle sumer... tggl manjakan badan je tau.... jgn manja2 sampai x muat bj plak... :P
juelee : mmg byk mende nak buat...akak dah tak tau la..relax je...haha..dgn keje kat ofis yg bertimbu tuh..hadoi..
kalo akak kayo,dah lama akak upah wed planner aje..hehehe ;)
awak blh start list sume bende kawen tau..jgn tgu last min cm akak nih..huhu
ungu voilet : aah,paperbag habib mmg kotak kureng lawa plak kali nih..the previous one is better i think ;)
btw,insyallah,majlis kat putrajaya
mawar : ye..kayuh kasi lajuuuuu..hehe..thanks mawar.. ;)
efmumsgirl : ye ke???alamak,aku tak tau yg aku nih dah ketinggalan..almaklumlah..sumenye aku kene buat sdn ada org nak tlg aku..huhu..
aku tak dapek la manjakan diri
silap2,ms kawen nnt makin kuros la..huhu
kak long yg psl diha jd photog tuh bole aje.. no problemo! hhehe ^^,
x pe2...relaks... ader mase lg.. aku ingatkan lg sebulan genap2, ader lg +++ nyer... hehehe.. smpt2... aku pn tgh pk ni nk pakai bj ape time ko kawin nanti.... huhuhu... tgg bonus br leh shopping... hehehe...
diha : thanks! hehe :)
efmumsgirl : aah..ada +++ tuh..hehe
ko beli bj wrna hjau tau..kain jenis ape tak ksh..nak pakai kain angkasawan yg tgh mengamuk di pasaran pon buleh..hehehe
2 la... kang aku wt skang, time ko kawin dah x muat bjnyer... huhuhu... kene beli yg dah siap last2 minute nanti... eekekekke...
efmumsgirl : aah..btl gak tuh..hehe..takpe,skg ni bj pregnant mommy dh byk yg lawa2..vogue giteww..hehe
wah putrajaya!!
dewan sri siantan kah?
cantik sgt dewan tu!!
kalau u ambik org utk main kompang lg meriah tau fathiyah.. semangat tu tetiba dtg pulak. hahahahaha!
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