ok,1st of all let me story about my wed card..
finally,last thursday I've got my wed card
alhamdullilah..lega betul rasanya
even ada some minor mistake..
saya malas nak kecoh2..
for me,there is a lots of things to be settle besides dis..
maka dgn ini,tamatlah sudah mimpi ngeri saya selama seminggu iteww..
fuh....what a relief!!!
oleh itew..sehingga saat ini,saya masih lagi meng'contact'
rakan taulan utk mendapatkn their latest address
so that i can start post all the card to them :)
bersemangat nih..hehe
about my solemnization outfit : almost there
masih dlm pembikinan..haha..tadi saya dah try that 'baju'..
and it seems ok..sooka :) aha,the feeling was so great when having a wed outfit fitting..berbunga-bunga..LOL
insyallah,by dis weekend or early next week,saya dah boleh dapat baju itew..
preparation bilik pengantin
so far so good..haha..baru td saya siap mengecat bilik..penat!
and on wednesday,sofa & me had a splurge shopping day at ikea..
sesi bershopping ape yg patut & tidak patut..lOL
1thing belum settle : curtain..need to search by dis weekend
hantaran : barang hantaran already complete
today will meet kak ina to discuss about flowery matter
borang nikah : baru nak jumpa jurunikah aka tok kadi
lps ni,hopefully settle
nota kaki : itewlah kad undangan saya yg sederhana saja :)
meetball swedish ikea mmg super-delicious!!! I wan more..haha
lovely card! tak sabar nk dpt satu!
u r getting married in 4 weeks' time!! all the best :)
nixa : aku dah tulis kad 4 u.setem pon dah beli..tgl nak pos jer..hehe..insyallah,nxt wik kad sampai..hehe ;)
liza : ya ya..27days to go..nerves..huhu.. thanks liza :)
best nyerrrr dah stat bt preparation....
umah akak kat ne?
camne nak datang?huhuhu
juelee : best?penat jue..huhu..tp puas hati la..hehe
jue,bg address.blh akak pos kad kat awak :)
cantetnye kad... :) sy dah bg alamat kat akak thru mail. dpt x?
mawar : ye ke? alahai,akak blm sompat check emel..nnt akak check k
kita punya kad tak siap lagi.. :(
kard yg chantekkks.. forget me not my dear..
susudalambotol : awak,dah tgl kurang 3mgu nih..kene cpt2 settle psl kad..hopefully mgu ni awak dah dpt ur wed card :)
en.me : tQ..en.me..sila bg address..blh saya pos card 2 u :) hehe
fathiyah, miss u!!
kad kita lebih kurang sama!!
farah : miss u 2..hehe
ye ke?ala,tunjuk la ue card..nak tgk gak ;)
ala, nanti tak best la tunjuk awal2..dekat2 hari jadi baru bole tunjuk.heheee..u nikah kat umah eh?
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