Fuh,tittle mcm gempak jer... :p
I've got this fun & interesting quiz or we can call it sort of survey-lah from my frens
it's all about hantaran...or lebih tpt kuiz brapekah hantaran perkahwinan anda?hehe
so,I'd did it..and my hantaran will be 9k =D
hahaha..saya kira jumlah ni tak la byk sgt memandangkan harga psrn hntrn skg sudah mencecah 10k
(artis-artis msia,anak2 org kenamaan skg,saya kira sudah melebihi dr jumlah itew!!!)
Bg pihak sang teruna,bila sebut bab hantaran ni,sure berpeluh2 sbb memikirkan jumlah yg akan ditetapkan oleh pihak si dara
(kalo sang teruna coming from rich background family,sure there is no problem coz family blh support)
tp,bg yg duit gaji cukup utk keperluan hidup,pastinya ini suatu penyiksaan..argh!!!
and remember my bf story about his fren yg mkn maggi sj sbb nak kmpl duit kawen..poor him ;(
sampai dah nak dkt botak kwn tuh..but,utk si dara yg terchenta,apa sj sanggup diredah
gunung berapi,lautan samudera..huh,dahsyat!!!
whatever it is,kte berbalik kpd Al-Quran & sunnah...
follow what Allah & rasul had guide us...
sebaik2 wanita adalah yg murah maharnya..hantaran cuma adat
so,it is depends pd bakal psgn kte utk tentukan how much dia mampu utk memberi dgn seikhlas hati hadiah hntrn itu sbg tanda perkahwinan
aiman tak kesah =D saya pon tak kesah..ngehehe
yg penting tolak ansur,saling memahami ant satu sama lain
buat renungan semua :
firman Allah SWT, "Di antara tanda2 kebesaran Allah itu ia ciptakan bg kamu psgn dr kalangan kamu sendiri agar kamu hidup dlm keadaan tenang,cinta mencintai,kasih mengasihi & saling menyayangi sesama kamu.Sesungguhnya yg demikian itu merupakan tanda2 (kebesaran Allah) bg kamu yg mahu berfikir" surah ar-rum,ayat 21
p/s : try this quiz ya http://www.ridzwan.com/cgi-bin/survey/sfesurvey.cgi?hantarancalculator2007
Nov 18, 2007
Nov 12, 2007
Farhana & adik2nya...(mak kat blkg tgh psn mcm2 tu)
Hari ni..adik saya,farhana menghadapi SPM (tepat kul8 pagi td..1st paper,BM)
demam exam dah bermula!!!
sabtu lepas,kami seisi keluarga melawat adik saya tu..
sbg moral support...supaya adik saya lebih bersemangat utk berjuang..hehehe =D
Dgr amanat dr mak & ayah
pantun 4 kerat....
teringat plak ms saya mengahadapi SPM 7 thn lps..(cptnye ms berlalu!! mcm tak caye je dah 7 thn tinggalkan alam persekolahan :p)
waaaa..kalo blh saya repeat blk SPM..sbb result saya yg kurang memberangsangkan
yelah..akibat byk main & kurang study...ngehehe
saya tak mau lg tido dlm kelas time cikgu mengajar (hehehe..ni attitude saya plg buruk sekali!!!...sume cikgu tau saya suke tido dlm kelas even saya duduk dpn sekali!!! teruk sungguh)
saya nak concentrate supaya saya dpt 10A1...hehe =D
tp,saya kene terima kenyataan bahawa SPM tu hanya sekali seumur hidup
so,peluang saya dah lps...saya ttp bangga & bersyukur (walaupon sedikit kechewa..huhuhu) dgn result SPM saya yg tak seberapa tu...(padan la dgn usaha yg saya dah kerah ms tu...)
utk adik saya,farhana yg sdg berjuang di medan perang..(jihad dlm mencari ilmu)
kak long doakan semoga kakak dpt buat yg terbaik utk exam,yakin & tenang dlm menjawab soalan
semoga Allah SWT memberi petunjuk & mempermudahkan urusan kakak
insyallah,kami sume doakan mudah-mudahan kakak beroleh kejayaan...amin
On da way blk ke KL kami sempat singgah Umbai...
antara tempat yg famous gak kalo nak makan fresh seafood
kami singgah kat perkampungan nelayan...restoran terapung umbai (btl2 terapung ni ;p)
3 dara pingitan =D
pemandangan cantik..menghadap selat melaka..
especially bila senja..tgk matahari terbenam
sedap hingga menjilat jari :p
wah,kami makan besaq la mlm tu..ikan siakap stim,kepah & kupang msk serai,
sotong goreng tepung,tom yam campur...sedap!!! =D
ada sejenis seafood yg dipgl sepahat/pepahat...unik..
tp,tak oder la..so,tak tau rsnya mcm mn
overall,makanan sedap,tmpt cantik,bersih & menarik...
so,pd sape2 yg sgh umbai,blhla try makan kat situ
harga pun berpatutan...sambil jln2 cr mkn
Nov 9, 2007
Maira 8th Birthday
Birthday Girl =D
Today is my youngest sis bday..maira
She turns 8 today..yup,4 of 9 persons in family born in november
so,when nov come it is just like a month of bday party celebration..ngehehe
My mums' bday on 25th while my bro,sopey on 28th..so close right ;p
We didn't plan anything for her..make it suprise..lalala
Sofa bought her a lovely red hair band
I just gave her a card
Kak chik (sabirah) make a nice & delicious moist chocolate cake for her
Homemade cake by kak chik
She was very excited this morning...coz she wanna bring that cake to school..
celebrate her bday wif her classmate & teachers...
And...late in the evening,when I come back from office,I just bought Secret Recipe Classic Cheese cake for maira..
then,when I just arrived at home..I said to her to take a 'things' in my car...
She was so suprise & shout..
wahhhh...kek bday maira la !
(riuh sekampung...) ngehehe
her bday cake & presents
Batik Indonesia =D
Oh,I've got a lovely dovey present from ayah tooo
Ayah bought me Batik Indonesia..(my dad just came back from pulau Bintan,Indonesia which is located @ kepulauan Riau)
So,I'm planning to make a kebaya...fewittt :)
Nov 8, 2007
On my Birthday
On last monday,was my 24th birthday..waaa..saya sudah tua lg setahun ;p
Lumrah kehidupan..setiap yg bernyawa pasti melalui peringkat kehidupan yg tlh ditentukan olehNYA..
So,I'm suppose to be mature right...think more wisely...take any words more preciously
Especially advice from family & friends...hehe..I've got to take this one seriously !!
Extra careful in any act to be done..
Think before u done fathiyah..
And...semestinya saya mengharapkan agar tahun2 berikutnya saya akan mempertingkatkan amalan,
berusaha menjadi hambaNYA yg lbh beriman..insyallah
Thanks to my family & frens...for all the sweets wishes on my birthday
I'm so touch with their wishes..especially wish from my little sis,maira..
earthquake motion....hahaha :PI'm just celebrate my birthday with my bf..
We met @ KLCC that nite :)
peri-fy ur life..hehe..he decided to have dinner @ Madam Kwan's..but unfortunately the restaurant was full that time..
So,then we just had our dinner @ Nandos...
but,the most touchable moment for me was...when he said....
he : mcm mn agaknya kte celebrate bday awak 20thn lg?
me : hahaha (gelak jahat saya) semestinya saya dah tua la...so,kte celebrate bday dgn anak2 yg berderet2...
he : insyallah...saya hrp mcm ni selalu..and conversation the goes on...
Then,I've got my present...ops.. a bag full of presents...hehe
I've got the "things" that I really wanted!!! dah lama mengidam.. :P
A man always seek for happiness..but the only way to reach happiness is when we give our love to others people more than their love to us... :)
I'm happy..I'm feeling glad..I've got sunshine in a bag ;p
Thanks Allah....
Lumrah kehidupan..setiap yg bernyawa pasti melalui peringkat kehidupan yg tlh ditentukan olehNYA..
So,I'm suppose to be mature right...think more wisely...take any words more preciously
Especially advice from family & friends...hehe..I've got to take this one seriously !!
Extra careful in any act to be done..
Think before u done fathiyah..
And...semestinya saya mengharapkan agar tahun2 berikutnya saya akan mempertingkatkan amalan,
berusaha menjadi hambaNYA yg lbh beriman..insyallah
Thanks to my family & frens...for all the sweets wishes on my birthday
I'm so touch with their wishes..especially wish from my little sis,maira..
earthquake motion....hahaha :PI'm just celebrate my birthday with my bf..
nothing special or extravaganva.just the 2 of us..
We met @ KLCC that nite :)
So,then we just had our dinner @ Nandos...
but,the most touchable moment for me was...when he said....
he : mcm mn agaknya kte celebrate bday awak 20thn lg?
me : hahaha (gelak jahat saya) semestinya saya dah tua la...so,kte celebrate bday dgn anak2 yg berderet2...
he : insyallah...saya hrp mcm ni selalu..and conversation the goes on...
Then,I've got my present...ops.. a bag full of presents...hehe
I've got the "things" that I really wanted!!! dah lama mengidam.. :P
A man always seek for happiness..but the only way to reach happiness is when we give our love to others people more than their love to us... :)
I'm happy..I'm feeling glad..I've got sunshine in a bag ;p
Thanks Allah....
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