Yes! It’s sooo true to describe how wonderful TN it is
& how important TN to us..
Kerana hutan khatulistiwa ini merupakan khazanah yg terlalu berharga & tidak ternilai utk kita semua…so,we must apprieciate it,protect it..
save our forest! Keep our earth green
(saya mmg penchenta alam sekitar sejati..hehe)
Ok, my journey start early in the morning (18oct)
Berkumpul dpn ofis, then bertolak ke TN around 8am dgn 1bus & 1van
total participant 4 dis trip = 42 staffs
muka layu gue..(with joe)
loike dis pic..angel from the top..LOL (with joe & EJ)
sampai di jerantut for lunch around 11am, after that kami menuju ke Kuala Tahan, 1 of the access point to TN, fyi there are 4 access point to TN, another 3 is from Merapoh,Sg.Relau in Pahang, Kuala Koh in Kelantan and
Tg.Mentong,Tasik Kenyir in Terengganu
From jerantut to Kuala Tahan takes about another 1hour journey
We stayed in Rainforest Resort…I give 9 over 10star for the facilities & accommodation at this resort..
comfortable, surrounding by nature..sgt bestlah
Our 1st activity was exploring the forest & cave
It was my 1st experience explore the cave! Hehe..
I was excited + scared too lo
We reached Gua Telinga after trekking into the jungle for ½ an hour
Whoa…I’m always imagine do dis kind of advanture..
at least once in whole my life..hehe
(after the exploration, I think I’ll did it again!..kepuasan yg tak terhingga)
Gua Telinga is not like Gua Niah@Gua Tempurung
It is a small & long cave..sempit..very2 dark..and creepy too
U have to crawl in some place..meredah air (ada sg kecil dlm gua nih)
Climb the rocks that very2 slippery…
Touched guano (tahi kelawar)..what to do coz u need to move along the cave lo
Dis exploration is just like what u saw in the majalah3 or national geographic documentary…u have to experience it by urself!
I was very lucky to watch the bats..a group of bats! make me wonder how they lived in such small & dark place
Btw, I’m not so lucky coz tak jmpe ular in the cave
Eh..kira lucky or unlucky ek??? Hehe
Overall, the cave exploration was very interesting & exciting..hehe
(especially 4 those who like advanture & tough me..haha)
I tell u, once u experience it, u will appreciate what we have ma
That nite, we had night jungle trekking…to see & feel the nocturnal jungle life in the nite mood plak..hehe..along our journey, we only see trees..a bit scary lo..
Tkt nampak hantu? Haha..we r not so lucky that nite coz we only manage to saw a few of instect..and we did saw a group of deer..comel ;)
dah lama teringin nak ke TN..
ms lps abis spm dulu, sy ada p camping kat phg. slh satu aktiviti kena tido dlm gua. gua kota gelanggi rsnye nama dia. takut gilerr.. bangun2 pagi tu, ada kelawar atas baju.. huehue. tapi mmg best la xperience tu
sama2lah kita menjaga kehijauan bumi malaysia .. :P
ammvoiii, bestnyerrr jalan jalannnns gi guerrr.. kannns
bestnya! bestnya! dah lame tak berjungle tracking ..huhuhu...
teringin nak g taman negara..
ungu voilet : farah,u should go!
mawar : ke??? tapi taik kelawar tak la busuk kan..
yes2!!! agree wif u! kekalkan kehijaun bumi kita! : iyer..mmg best pon ;)
tirah : tirah..kalo nak gi,amik la tour sbb ada tour guide..hehe ;)
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