Lagu lama nih..I’m not sure sapa penyanyinya
I can’t recall the song itself ..lirik apatah lagi
So,anybody who knows dis song, do not hesitated to share the lyric ya ;)
Btw,mcm mn ya saya nak cite about my wed preparation nih
Dunno where to start lor…
Hmmmm…I think let me start with how I meet my fiancé..hahaha
We’ve been in a same Uni but we never met before
He is 1year senior than me
FLASHBACK…somewhere in march 2005
I’m in the middle of final exam (4th year)
‘someone’ send good luck msg tru hp…dunno who..
I ignored it… ‘that person’ seems don’t give up
After ‘his’ 3rd msg, then I reply..
at 1st I tot the msgs was from my BFF(nadiah)
but was totally wrong..
‘he’ said ‘he’ saw me at thesis presentation few days before
and I guess ‘he’ must be bdk matrik…hehe
but it was wrong guess again! so shame lor ;p
and that’s how it started
we just be a fren tru hp
I never knew how he look like..
gumuk kah,kurus kah
Putih kah,hitam kah…
everythings was like misteri nusantara..hahaha
for a year ++… lama kan..
on july 2006, it was 1st time ever we met at Alamanda,Putrajaya
can u guess my feelings that time?
Nerves tahap gaban! Serius!
Menggeletar kepala lutut cheq naa..
Oh..before that, I got a chance to saw his face tru frenster
(masa tgk profile frenster dia, haku berdebar2 gila..hehe)
(takut nak tau rupa sbnr si secret admire nih..haha)
giteww lah the beginning of our relationship
from secret admire to fren to special fren to fiancé and…
insyallah husband of mine..hehehe ;)
he turn my dark days into the bright & shine
full of happiness….thanks my dear ;)
I'm sure ur 1st time meet him was the sweetest memory in ur life :)
maybe ada yg jatuh cinta pandang pertama?
kenal tru internet?
or family arragement?(like zaman dolu-dolu..hehe)
what ever it is...jodoh pertemuan semuanya ketentuan Allah SWT :)
p/s : today,I'm going hunting bracelet@bangle for 'upacara batal air sembahyang' after nikah..hehehe..
dulu2..haku pnh ckp kat member2,buleh tak kalo aku kentut aje utk upacara tuh..hahaha