bkn malas..but kinda middle of sumthing..haha
every weekend,surely I've got a-lots-of-things to do
and plus..a lots of agenda tooo..LOL
insyallah,I'll update my past few weeks activities :-
1.my trip to TMN NEGARA PAHANG..
what a wonderful place..i tell u!
2.10 bdk hitam pot luck gathering cum raya tour
si penchenta nescafe terlampau...LOL
p/s : sad news..camera yg saya guna selama ini telah rosak buat selama-lamanya..huhuhu..so,I need a new camera!!! hopefully ASAP..hehe
I'm waiting 4 durian runtuh ma
till then..bubye..xoxo
fathi, maybe u'll b the next DXX-ian...
amboih...kawan2 ku sume leh jd wedding photog pasni...i'll be the model hahahaha...gerenti tak laku muke aku nih =p
mima : hehe..mmg mengidam nak join da club..tp belom mampu la..tgu lps kawen..haha..boleh aje sape2 nak jd model..ko pun ok gak..hehe..at least ada gak yg sudi jd model gue..haha
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