disbbkan saya menunggu sumthing from him...so,it has to be delayed..hehe
the tittle told everthings rite
so,on last 26 april 2008 syah & me meet up to celebrate his 26th birthday
what a synchronize...
he born on 26,celebrate his 26 years old dis year..hehehe
kami makan besaq la hr tu...LOL
smpai terasa senak perut..huhu
first,we decide to search for 'sumthing' kat semua house
for lunch,kami pi pekena nasi beriani restoran insaf yg ala2 tersohor di jln TAR iteww...rege,rm12 per person
(bila harga beras naik ni..for sure naik lg la rege nasi beriani..huhu)
then,we go to KLCC...just jalan2 & having a good time
but,I can't help myself not to buy anything..
so,I'd bought sumthing-la..(haih..nafsu shopping daaa)..hehe
and..we ate at secret recipe..my treat for him :)
he choose choc fudge,while for mine choc indulgence
chocolate...harus giteww
mmg full-la...terasa loya anak tekak..nsb baik tak uwekkk..hahaha
ooh,not to forget...I gave him a shirt as a present and also a red card..hehe
hopefully u like it..
what a blissful moment :) alhamdullilah
xdak bodyguard ke arini? bodyguard pi skolah? heheheh :p
wah! terliur tgk kek yg sungguh enak tuh!!! hehehe.. =)
choc indulgence!!my fav too!! hihihi..
waaa..makin berseri2 cik fathi ni.. hehhehe..
hafsah : bodyguard takde..hehe..so,dpt ber'dating' with more privacy..LOL
b4 kuar umah kene lecture dulu tuh..hahaha :P
diha : mmg sodap!! rosak diet kak long lg..hahaha :P
athirah : yes! i know that 1 is ur very2 fav secret recipe cake..hehe
pipi ku tembam jua cik tirah ooii..
ehem..thn nik yek langsung? heeee~ akak mmg suke chocolate ek? try la cheeze choc secret recipe. sodapp
wah, makan makan hepi hepi gittewww.. ammvoiiii
beshnye..^_^ cantik t-shirt akak bg tu..kitaorg pn xbg pa pe..hikhiks..xtau nk bg pe la kt dia..wish je :P pa pe pun.. trima ksih wat abg kesygan sy tu hapi ^_^
mawar : insyallah,akhir thn ni la kot kalo takde aral melintang...ngehehe..ye ke? ok,nnt akak try cheeze choc yg sodap itew :)
uwaaa.. xdpt gi langsung nye itu.. yg penting in two weeks time kite berjumpe di ainul&kabe's wedd k.. really looking forward.. YEY!!
mmglumayan : heehe...hidup mst hepi :)
suryana : ok,thanks...(ye ke cantik??hehe..)
ilicious : ok,kte jmpe next week k
ehemm.. dulu aku teman adik aku pegi suma hause tu.. nak beli brg kawen la.. ko pegi sane nape yek? ehem.. ehem..
aku rase aku dah bleh agak.. so ape² info hangat or nak alamat ke.. msg² lah ye.. hahaha..
mimie nazirah : hehe..lazat,tp tak terhbs mkn :)
nixa : aku bli ehem ehem..hehe
ape2 hal aku mst msg :)
halooooo.. hehe thanks sbb tagging. nati kite jupe kat kabe's hehhh!!! huhaaa!!
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