Apr 27, 2008


Currently I'm listening to this song
best bangat! layan...
tangkap lentok... LOL

Apr 22, 2008

Save The World

Today is earth day
so,what is ur action to save our planet?
there is a lot of things can be done..
just do ur part..
the most easiest action is start recycle our waste
and..stop polute our environment

like me,I'm recycle all those things like bottle,plastic,paper etc
and I'm saving the usage of energy at home & everywhere
it's simple like 123 right?
come on everybody!
lets save our mother nature b4 it's too late :)

click this 4 more info http://green.yahoo.com/earth-day

Apr 20, 2008

Lunch time :)

sume happy bila perut dah full :p

say cheeseeee everyone

yum yum

spot the person that i admire..jeng jeng jeng LOL

Sorry 4 un-updated for a long time..not soo long-lah kan
I don't have a mood..like i said in previous entry..
yeah..what i feel is just same like tirah..
not so buzy but so called M.A.L.A.S daa..
we have a lot of common-la tirah..mcm kembar siam plak..hehe
tp,aku extra malas kot :p

aha..last monday,I had a very2 pleasant lunch at Regency Hotel with most of my office collegue :) makan free..yahuu!
some of senior engineers had been promoted as an assiociated director
so,thats why this makan2 had been set up is to celebrate it
suppose we had to treat them right?
but since their salary is much much higher than 'cokia' eng like me...
so,they had to belanja us la...hehe :)

we arrived there @ 12pm..
saya & frens smpai plg lmbt..sesat..not my fault..saya tumpang jer :p
takpe,janji sampai kan..and the most important thing is...
the 'mission' must be accomplished!! hehe

ok,let's talk about food
menu for buffet on that day was soo variety..u can choose from east dishes to the western dishes..sgt la rambang mata utk plh mn nak mkn dulu okey..
so,saya start dgn salad..haih,mcm vegetarian plak haku nih..ni br intro..hehe
i just luv potato salad..sedap..not so creamy..
the taste of sweet & sour is balanced
next,sate..ok..but cannot compete wif sate kajang hj.samuri..
still no.1 in my list la :)
nasi+lauk pauk..saya tak mkn nasi..so,i just taste all the lauk..hehe
lauk yg ada baby sawi,daging black pepper,ayam rempah,
sotong kicap & fish fillet
yg sedap,i'll go for fish fillet..more to chinese cooking stail..i loike!
rembatan seterusnya..mcm2 jenis cakes (cheese cake fav saya pon ada!),bun,jelly,pudding,sushi,cokodok pisang,jeruk...
huh..kembung perut seyh..buncit..hahaha
tu pon,ada gak yg saya tak mkn spageti & keaw teow sup

overall,i give 3 stars for all the foods
biasa2 aje..average..
rosak plan diet haku LOL

Apr 7, 2008

No mood :p

well,I'm in no mood to blog..
actually i'm sooo tired last weekend..huhu
this morning lmbt 10 min smpai kat opis :p
just wanna share my activities on last weekend (yg buat saya penat..hehe)

saturday :
mak,farhana & saya shopping kat jakel..
saya dpt baucer from opismate,kak wan..hehe..
so,apalagi..shopping ler..at least settle gak 1 'thing' in my list
jmpe azie & munir that day at jakel..azie pon bershopping gak :)
tp,saya tak jmpe tirah yg ada kat sogo..
(hi cik tirah..kamu shopping aper???hehe)
btw,thanks a lot to azie yg memberi xtra baucer kat saya..hehe..terharu tau azie..rs cm bersalah pon ye jgk...thanks again azie :) i owe u

sunday :
attend kenduri Kapten Adib (TUDM) aka papa dining tikl 2000..hehe
syok dpt jmpe member2..ada yg dh jd bapak (congrate to ezanur,sedap nama anak dia..i loike :) very unique..islamic),ada yg bakal jd bapak (mie..his wife,zarina pregnant their 1st child..due bln 9 ni) & ada yg akan mengakhiri zaman bujang tak lama lg..(ainul & kabe la..hehe)
plg best,this is first time saya attend kenduri TUDM..siap upacara bwh pedang,baling duit..nsb baik saya tak gi kutip...hehe..segan ler
new experience :)
fuh...cptnye ms berlalu..
tik tok tik tok :)