ok,Yeah...its all about cooking 4 this entry..yup,I lurve cooking..I think,I started to cook since I was 9 yrs old..and of course that time my mum was the person who responsible in making my interest to cook ;) love u mak..fyi,bkn msk maggi ye..msk yg btl2 ni..
At the beginning,I just cook simple recipe..ex :- masak nasi,goreng telur(oleh disbbkan aku ni kreatif,so aku dah create recipe telur goreng yg spesel skit..wit sauce..hehe ;p ) bila dah terror skit,aku tlgla mak msk recipe yg ssh2 skit..ex :- kari(sume jenis kari..kari ayam,kari kepala ikan),msk kurma,sweet sour & berjenis2 lg masakan yg kdg2 tu aku pon tak tau la nak bg nama ape..hentam sajala
mak aku reti msk mskn melayu je..so,I got my own initiative to cook western food & also others such as japanese food,arabian food and so on-lah..maka,bermulalah my episode of trying to cook every recipe..(only yg aku rs nak try je..and pastinya SEDAP..yummy)
last week,aku buat sushi..roll sushi..b4 aku tau wt sushi ni,mmg aku soka teramat sgt mkn sushi..so,aku pon sj try nak buat sendiri la kan..blh mkn puas2..hehe..mmg teramatla sng nak buat sushi..all ingridient is easy to find..kat mn2 supermarket sure ade..the recipe? just find it in this website (myrecipe.com)
ta-daaa..this is the roll sushi ;) mybe after this I should try other types of sushi right...
and today,I'm making macaroni ;) I call it macaroni marinara bcoz 4 this time I only put seafood to make it more tasty..aku plg suka kalo added little bit of cheese..br ada umph..kalo byk cheese lg best..(bcoz aku ni mmg cheeze person) ape2 types of cheese blh ditmbh..plg best parmesan cheese-la..brocolli tu just to make my dishes look balanced..and of course healthy..so,mybe every weekend (if I'm not bz-la..huhu) i'll update my latest cooking experiment..enjoy ;)